Thursday 26 April 2018

Opções de ações da guidewire

Mid Cap Stock Fund 13,23,41,90.

Investir unicamente em John Hancock Funds II - Mid Cap Stock Fund (Classe 1)

Sub-assessorado pela Wellington Management Company, LLP.

Ticker Symbol +: JIMSX.

Detalhes da subconta.

Categoria de Risco / Retorno 1A.

Crescimento Agressivo.

Classe de Ativo / Estilo de Investimento.

Patrimônio Doméstico.

SUBJACENTE Destaques do Fundo.

Por que considerar este fundo?

Você quer potencial crescimento a longo prazo do capital e pode aceitar os níveis relativamente altos de risco e volatilidade que normalmente acompanham os investimentos em ações de capitalização média. Você deseja exposição a ações de crescimento médio que ofereçam características de crescimento superiores às ações de crescimento de alta capitalização. com menor volatilidade do que ações de crescimento de pequena capitalização.

Objectivo e Políticas de Investimento.

Procura proporcionar crescimento a longo prazo da valorização do capital e do capital.

Processo de Investimento.

O gestor de carteira considera títulos com capitalizações de mercado, no momento do investimento, dentro do intervalo de capitalização de mercado coletivo de empresas representadas no índice Russell Mid Cap Index ou no S & amp; P Mid Cap 400 Index. A estratégia é oportunista, com foco em pesquisa fundamental e retorno total. A extensa pesquisa da Wellington Management identifica empresas com lucros que estão superando as expectativas, com avaliações relativas atrativas e fortes equipes de gerenciamento que têm a capacidade de executar a estratégia de negócios. Em seguida, o gerente de portfólio usa disciplinas adicionais de pesquisa e avaliação de baixo para cima (específicas da empresa) para determinar as empresas mais atraentes para investimento. Esse portfólio tende a adotar uma abordagem mais conservadora do que muitos de seus pares devido ao gerenciamento do risco de queda.


Retorna (a partir de 12-31-17)

A data inicial para a subconta + é 30 de julho de 1999 e para a Carteira subjacente atual é 2 de agosto de 1999.

Ґ Veja notas importantes.

** Os dados de desempenho apresentados representam o desempenho passado. O desempenho passado não é garantia de resultados futuros e o desempenho atual pode ser menor ou maior que o desempenho cotado. Um investimento em uma subconta flutua em valor para refletir o valor da carteira subjacente e, quando resgatado, pode valer mais ou menos do que o custo original. O desempenho não reflete quaisquer encargos aplicáveis ​​no nível do contrato ou determinados encargos no nível do participante, ou quaisquer taxas de resgate impostas por uma empresa de fundos subjacente. Esses encargos, se incluídos, reduziriam o retorno total da conta de um participante. As informações de desempenho atuais até o final do mês mais recente estão disponíveis em nosso website jhpensions. Os dados de desempenho de uma subconta para qualquer período anterior à data de apresentação são mostrados em negrito e são hipotéticos com base no desempenho do fundo subjacente.

A receita total que John Hancock recebe neste Fundo é maior do que a recomendada ou subconsultada exclusivamente por entidades não afiliadas. John Hancock e suas afiliadas fornecem serviços exclusivos de consultoria e subconsultoria para o fundo subjacente. Para esses serviços, John Hancock e suas afiliadas recebem taxas adicionais que estão incluídas na relação de despesas do fundo subjacente (ou seja, Fund Expense Ratio ou FER).

Os principais riscos incluem: Risco de transição de fusão e substituição, títulos de participação, risco da União Europeia, gestor, liquidez, volume de negócios, derivativos, emissor, fundo de fundos, títulos estrangeiros, ofertas públicas iniciais, taxa de juros, setor, venda a descoberto, commodity, (ETN), risco de aumento de despesas, mercado, fundos negociados em bolsa, moeda, títulos de renda fixa, crédito e contraparte e mid cap. Para mais detalhes, consulte a seção Divulgações de risco deste livreto.

Informação de Morningstar *** (a partir de 12-31-17)

Holdings, Ponderação e Alocações do Fundo Subjacente.

Alocação de Ativos (a partir de 12-31-17) ¤

Top País Holdings (a partir de 12-31-17) ¤

Principais ponderações setoriais (a partir de 12-31-17) ¤

Principais estatísticas (a partir de 12-31-17, a menos que seja indicado)

* O índice de despesas líquidas apresentado é para o fundo subjacente e reflete qualquer renúncia de taxa ou reembolso de despesas e está sujeito a alterações. Por favor, consulte o prospecto do fundo subjacente para informações adicionais.

Divulgação (ões) de risco

A alocação de ativos a apenas um ou a um pequeno número de opções de investimento (que não sejam as opções Target Date "Lifecycle" ou Target Risk "Lifestyle") não deve ser considerada um programa de investimento equilibrado. Em particular, a alocação de ativos para um pequeno número de opções concentradas em setores específicos de negócios ou mercado sujeitará sua conta a um aumento de risco e volatilidade. Exemplos de setores de negócios ou de mercado nos quais esse risco pode ser particularmente alto incluem: a) negócios relacionados à tecnologia, incluindo negócios relacionados à Internet, b) títulos de baixa capitalização ec) títulos estrangeiros. John Hancock não fornece conselhos sobre alocações de investimento apropriadas.

Risco de transição de fusões e substituições. No caso de fusões e substituições do Fundo, os Fundos afetados que estão sendo fundidos ou substituídos podem implementar o resgate de seus juros por meio do pagamento em dinheiro ou pela distribuição de ativos em espécie. Em ambos os casos, o resgate do seu interesse pelo Fundo afetado, bem como o investimento do produto de resgate pelo "novo" Fundo, pode resultar em custos de transação para os Fundos, porque os Fundos afetados podem achar necessário vender títulos e valores mobiliários. os "novos" Fundos considerarão necessário investir o produto de resgate. Além disso, os processos de resgate e reinvestimento, incluindo qualquer período de transição que possa estar envolvido na conclusão de tais fusões e substituições, podem estar sujeitos a ganhos ou perdas de mercado, incluindo aqueles provenientes de taxas de câmbio. Os custos de transacção e potenciais ganhos ou perdas de mercado podem ter um impacto no valor do seu investimento no Fundo afectado e no "novo" Fundo, e esses ganhos ou perdas de mercado também podem ter um impacto no valor de qualquer investimento existente que você ou outros investidores podem ter no "novo" Fundo. Embora não possa haver garantias de que todos os riscos possam ser eliminados, a John Hancock utilizará seus melhores esforços para gerenciar e minimizar esses riscos e custos. Quando o resgate de seu interesse for implementado através de uma distribuição de ativos em espécie, a data efetiva da fusão ou substituição poderá variar desde a data prevista, devido ao período de transição, com início antes ou depois da data necessária para liquidar ou transição os activos para investimento no "novo" Fundo.

Risco de Títulos de Capital. Os mercados de ações são voláteis e o preço dos títulos de capital, como ações ordinárias e preferenciais (e seus equivalentes), flutua. O valor dos títulos de participação no capital adquiridos pelo fundo poderá diminuir se a condição financeira das empresas em que o fundo investe diminuir ou se as condições gerais de mercado e económicas se deteriorarem.

Risco da União Europeia. Muitos países da União Europeia estão suscetíveis a altos riscos econômicos associados a altos níveis de endividamento, notadamente devido a investimentos em dívidas soberanas de países europeus como Grécia, Itália, Portugal e Espanha. Um ou mais estados membros podem sair da União Europeia, colocando em risco a sua moeda e sistema bancário. A União Europeia enfrenta importantes questões que envolvem a sua composição, estrutura, procedimentos e políticas, incluindo a adopção, abandono ou adaptação do novo Tratado Constitucional, o alargamento da União Europeia para sul e leste e a resolução da problemática da União Europeia. responsabilização fiscal e democrática. Esforços dos estados membros para unificar ainda mais suas políticas econômicas e monetárias podem aumentar o potencial para o movimento de queda do mercado de um Estado membro causar um efeito similar nos mercados de outros estados membros. Os países europeus que fazem parte da União Econômica e Monetária Européia podem ser significativamente afetados pelos apertados controles fiscais e monetários que a união procura impor aos seus membros.

Risco do gerente. O desempenho de um fundo que é gerenciado ativamente refletirá em parte a capacidade do gestor de tomar decisões de investimento adequadas para alcançar o objetivo de investimento do fundo. Dependendo das decisões de investimento do gestor, um fundo pode não atingir o seu objetivo de investimento ou pode ter um desempenho inferior aos seus pares ou perder dinheiro.

Risco de liquidez. Um fundo está exposto ao risco de liquidez quando o volume negociado, a falta de um criador de mercado ou restrições legais prejudicam a capacidade do fundo de vender títulos específicos ou fechar posições de derivativos a um preço vantajoso. Os fundos com estratégias de investimento que envolvam títulos de empresas com capitalizações de mercado menores, títulos estrangeiros, derivativos ou títulos com risco substancial de mercado e / ou crédito tendem a ter a maior exposição ao risco de liquidez.

Risco de Rotatividade. A negociação ativa e frequente de títulos de fundos resulta em uma alta taxa de rotatividade de fundos. Os fundos com altas taxas de rotatividade geralmente têm custos de transação mais altos, que são pagos pelo fundo, que podem ter um impacto adverso no desempenho do fundo e podem gerar ganhos de capital de curto prazo sobre os quais impostos podem ser impostos.

Derivativos / Hedging / Risco de Transações Estratégicas. O uso de certos instrumentos derivativos por parte de um fundo (como opções, futuros e swaps) poderia gerar ganhos ou perdas desproporcionais em excesso do montante principal investido. Os derivativos são geralmente considerados mais arriscados do que investir diretamente em títulos e, em um mercado em baixa, tornar-se mais difícil de avaliar ou vender a um preço justo. O uso de derivativos para hedge e outras transações estratégicas pode aumentar a volatilidade de um fundo e, se a transação não for bem-sucedida, pode resultar em uma perda significativa para um fundo.

Risco do Emissor. Um emissor de um título adquirido por um fundo pode apresentar um desempenho insatisfatório e, portanto, o valor de seus títulos e ações pode cair. O baixo desempenho pode ser causado por decisões de má gestão, pressões competitivas, avanços tecnológicos, dependência de fornecedores, problemas ou escassez de mão-de-obra, reestruturações societárias, divulgações fraudulentas ou outros fatores.

Risco do Fundo de Fundos. Um fundo de fundos investe em vários fundos subjacentes. Um fundo de capacidade do fundo para atingir o seu objetivo de investimento dependerá em grande parte da capacidade do seu gestor de investimento de selecionar a combinação apropriada de fundos subjacentes e da capacidade dos fundos subjacentes para cumprir seus objetivos de investimento. Um fundo de fundos está sujeito aos mesmos riscos que os fundos subjacentes nos quais investe. Cada fundo de fundos suporta as suas próprias despesas e indiretamente suporta a sua parte proporcional das despesas dos fundos subjacentes em que investe.

Risco de Valores Mobiliários Estrangeiros. Os títulos estrangeiros envolvem riscos especiais, incluindo taxas de câmbio potencialmente desfavoráveis, regulamentação governamental limitada (incluindo padrões menos rigorosos de proteção ao investidor e divulgação) e exposição a possíveis instabilidades econômicas, políticas e sociais. Na medida em que o fundo investe em países de mercado emergente, seu risco de títulos estrangeiros será maior.

Risco de Ofertas Públicas Iniciais ("IPO"). O fundo está sujeito aos riscos associados às compras de ações emitidas em IPOs por empresas que têm pouco histórico operacional como companhias abertas. O mercado de emissores de IPOs tem sido volátil e os preços das ações de certas empresas recém-abertas têm flutuado em montantes significativos em curtos períodos de tempo.

Risco da taxa de juros. Os títulos de renda fixa são afetados por mudanças nas taxas de juros. Quando as taxas de juros caem, o valor de mercado dos títulos de renda fixa geralmente aumenta. Por outro lado, quando as taxas de juros sobem, o valor de mercado dos títulos de renda fixa geralmente diminui. Quanto mais longo for o prazo de vencimento dos instrumentos detidos pelo fundo, mais sensível é o fundo ao risco de taxa de juro.

Risco Setorial. Quando os investimentos de um fundo estão concentrados em uma determinada indústria ou setor da economia (por exemplo, imóveis, tecnologia, serviços financeiros), eles não são tão diversificados quanto os investimentos da maioria dos fundos mútuos e são muito menos diversificados do que os mercados de títulos amplos. Os fundos que se concentram em um determinado setor industrial tendem a ser mais voláteis do que outros fundos mútuos, e os valores de seus investimentos tendem a subir e descer mais rapidamente. Um fundo que investe em uma determinada indústria ou setor é particularmente suscetível ao impacto de fatores de mercado, econômicos, regulatórios e outros que afetam essa indústria ou setor.

Risco de venda a descoberto. O fundo pode vender uma garantia que não possui. Um fundo perderá dinheiro se o preço do título que vendeu curto aumenta entre o momento da venda a descoberto e a data em que o fundo adquire o título vendido a descoberto.

Risco de Commodities. Os investimentos em commodities envolvem o risco de flutuações voláteis nos preços de mercado das commodities resultantes de demanda flutuante, interrupção do fornecimento, especulação e outros fatores.

Risco de notas negociadas em bolsa (ETN). Os ETNs são um tipo de título de dívida não garantido e não subordinado que tem características e riscos semelhantes aos dos títulos de renda fixa e negociam em uma bolsa importante semelhante às ações dos ETFs. Esse tipo de título de dívida difere, no entanto, de outros tipos de títulos e notas porque os retornos da ETN são baseados no desempenho de um índice de mercado menos as taxas aplicáveis, nenhum pagamento de cupom de período é distribuído e nenhuma proteção principal existe. O objetivo dos ETNs é criar um tipo de segurança que combine os aspectos de ambos os títulos e ETFs. O valor de um ETN pode ser influenciado pelo tempo até o vencimento, nível de oferta e demanda do ETN, volatilidade e falta de liquidez nos mercados de commodities ou títulos, mudanças nas taxas de juros aplicáveis, mudanças no rating de crédito do emissor e eventos econômicos, legais, políticos ou geográficos que afetam a mercadoria ou a segurança referenciada. A decisão do fundo de vender suas participações na ETN também pode ser limitada pela disponibilidade de um mercado secundário. Se o fundo tiver de vender algumas ou todas as suas participações na ETN e o mercado secundário for fraco, poderá ter de vender essas participações com desconto. Se o fundo mantiver seu investimento em um ETN até o vencimento, o emissor dará ao fundo uma quantia em dinheiro que seria igual ao valor do principal (sujeito ao fator de índice do dia). Os ETNs também estão sujeitos a risco de crédito de contraparte e risco de renda fixa.

Risco de aumento de despesas. Seus custos reais de investimento no fundo podem ser maiores do que as despesas indicadas em "Despesas operacionais anuais do fundo" por vários motivos. Por exemplo, as taxas de despesas podem ser maiores do que as mostradas se uma limitação de taxa for alterada ou terminada ou se os ativos líquidos médios diminuírem. É mais provável que os ativos líquidos diminuam e os índices de despesas dos fundos aumentem quando os mercados estão voláteis.

Risco de mercado. O valor dos títulos de um fundo pode diminuir em resposta a movimentos globais do mercado de ações ou títulos. Os mercados tendem a se mover em ciclos, com períodos de alta de preços e períodos de queda de preços. Os estoques tendem a subir e descer mais em valor do que os títulos. Se os investimentos do fundo estiverem concentrados em determinados setores, seu desempenho poderia ser pior do que o mercado geral.

Risco de fundos negociados em bolsa ("ETF"). Os Exchange Traded Funds são um tipo de empresa de investimentos comprada e vendida em uma bolsa de valores. Um ETF representa frequentemente uma carteira fixa de títulos concebidos para monitorizar um índice de mercado específico. Os riscos de possuir um ETF geralmente refletem os riscos de possuir os títulos subjacentes que o ETF foi projetado para acompanhar.

Risco Cambial. Os fundos que investem diretamente em moedas estrangeiras e em títulos que negociam ou recebem receitas em moedas estrangeiras estão sujeitos ao risco de que essas moedas diminuam de valor em relação à moeda que está sendo protegida.

Risco de Títulos de Renda Fixa. Títulos ou obrigações de rendimento fixo estão sujeitos a risco de crédito e taxa de juro. A classificação de crédito dos títulos no fundo poderia ser rebaixada ou o emissor de um título poderia deixar de cumprir suas obrigações. Em geral, os títulos de renda fixa com classificação mais baixa envolvem mais risco de crédito. Quando as taxas de juros sobem, os preços dos títulos geralmente caem.

Risco de Crédito e Contraparte. Um fundo está sujeito ao risco de que o emissor ou garantidor de uma garantia de renda fixa ou outra obrigação, a contraparte de um contrato de derivativo ou acordo de recompra, ou o tomador de um fundo de ações não possa ou não deseje fazer o principal oportuno. pagamentos de juros ou de liquidação, ou de outra forma honrar suas obrigações.

Risco médio do estoque do tampão Os investimentos em empresas de capitalização média estão sujeitos a movimentos de preço mais erráticos do que investimentos em empresas maiores e mais estabelecidas. Em particular, as empresas de médio porte podem representar um risco maior devido a linhas de produtos estreitas, recursos financeiros limitados, menor profundidade na administração ou um mercado de negociação limitado para seus títulos.

Anotações importantes.

Ligue para 1-800-395-1113para obter as Folhas de Fundo de opção de investimento de anuidade do grupo John Hancock USA para as subcontas e prospectos do fundo subjacente das subcontas, que estão disponíveis mediante solicitação. Os prospectos contêm detalhes completos sobre os objetivos de investimento, riscos, taxas, encargos e despesas, bem como outras informações sobre o fundo subjacente, que devem ser cuidadosamente considerados antes de investir.

Taxas e despesas são apenas um dos vários fatores que você deve considerar ao tomar decisões de investimento. O efeito cumulativo das taxas e despesas pode reduzir substancialmente o crescimento da sua conta de aposentadoria. Você pode visitar o site da Administração de Segurança de Benefícios de Empregados para obter um exemplo que demonstre o efeito a longo prazo das taxas e despesas.

Contribuições de um contrato de anuidade em grupo emitido pela John Hancock Life Insurance Company (EUA) (John Hancock EUA) são alocadas a opções de investimento que: (a) investem exclusivamente em ações de um fundo mútuo subjacente, confiança coletiva ou ETF; (b) investir em uma combinação destes; ou (c) são Contas de Juros Garantidas e que serão mantidas na conta geral da John Hancock USA. Para obter mais informações sobre uma opção de investimento específica, consulte as folhas de fundos da John Hancock USA, disponíveis no site ou no seu representante da John Hancock USA.

Alocar ativos para apenas um ou um pequeno número de opções de investimento (além de uma opção de investimento de alocação de ativos, como uma data prevista ou uma opção de risco alvo) não deve ser considerado um programa de investimento equilibrado. Em particular, a alocação de ativos a um pequeno número de opções de investimento concentradas em determinados setores de negócios ou de mercado poderia sujeitar uma conta ao aumento do risco e da volatilidade.

+ Quando as contribuições são alocadas aos Fundos sob o contrato de anuidade do grupo do seu empregador com John Hancock, elas serão mantidas em uma subconta (também conhecida como "Fundo"), que investe em ações do fundo mútuo subjacente especificado, confiança coletiva, ETF ou uma combinação destes. Os símbolos mostrados são para o fundo mútuo subjacente, trusts coletivos ou ETFs nos quais as sub-contas são investidas. Os símbolos de ticker não se aplicam diretamente à subconta de John Hancock e, portanto, qualquer informação pública acessada usando esses símbolos não refletirá o valor unitário da subconta, nem essas informações refletirão despesas de subconta, de nível de contrato ou de nível de participante no contrato de anuidades do grupo do seu plano.

Informações sobre a Política de Negociação de Curto Prazo de John Hancock.

± Ponderações - Aplicável apenas à data e risco alvo (portfólios de estilo de vida)

Cada carteira de dados de risco / meta tem uma alocação percentual de destino projetada para atender aos objetivos de investimento de uma orientação de investimento correspondente. As porcentagens de alocação podem variar ou ser ajustadas devido a condições de mercado ou econômicas ou outras razões, conforme estabelecido no prospecto. Devido a condições anormais de mercado ou atividade de resgate, o fundo pode investir temporariamente em caixa e equivalentes a caixa.

O fundo mútuo subjacente, o fundo de investimento coletivo ou o ETF tem o direito de restringir a atividade comercial sem aviso prévio se a negociação de um participante for determinada como excedendo sua política de câmbio, conforme declarado no prospecto ou memorando de oferta.

As informações apresentadas baseiam-se nas informações mais recentes disponíveis para o fundo mútuo subjacente, a confiança coletiva ou o ETF (coletivamente chamado de fundo subjacente) na data da impressão e estão sujeitas a alterações. As participações cotadas não representam todas as participações no fundo subjacente.

1A. O plano de aposentadoria qualificado da sua empresa oferece aos participantes a oportunidade de contribuir para as opções de investimento disponíveis em um contrato de anuidade em grupo com a John Hancock Life Insurance Company (EUA) (John Hancock EUA). Essas opções de investimento podem ser subcontas (fundos agrupados) que investem diretamente em fundos mútuos subjacentes, trusts coletivos ou ETFs, ou podem ser Contas de juros garantidas.

2A. O Gestor ou Subconsultor refere-se ao gestor do fundo subjacente, ou ao subconsultor do fundo subjacente John Hancock Trust, John Hancock Funds II ou John Hancock Funds III, no qual a subconta investe. O "fundo subjacente" inclui o fundo mútuo subjacente, a confiança coletiva ou o ETF em que uma subconta investe.

3A. Subconta de data ou Conta de Juros Garantidos disponibilizada pela primeira vez no contrato de anuidade do grupo. A data de introdução da classe é a mesma que a Data de Início da subconta.

4A. Os dados de desempenho de uma subconta para qualquer período anterior à data de início da subconta são hipotéticos com base no desempenho do investimento subjacente desde o início do investimento subjacente. Todos os outros dados de desempenho são reais (exceto quando indicado de outra forma). Devoluções para qualquer período superior a um ano são anualizadas. Os dados de desempenho refletem mudanças nos preços dos investimentos de uma subconta (incluindo as ações de um fundo mútuo subjacente, fideicomisso coletivo ou ETF), reinvestimento de dividendos e ganhos de capital e deduções para os encargos da subconta.

Este material mostra as despesas para uma classe de unidade específica para as opções de investimento disponíveis ao abrigo de um contrato de anuidades do grupo John Hancock. O Expense Ratio ("ER") mostrado representa o total das despesas operacionais anuais para as opções de investimento disponibilizadas por John Hancock. Ele é composto de (i) "Receita da subconta" de John Hancock e (ii) as despesas do fundo subjacente (com base nos índices de despesas informados nos prospectos mais recentes disponíveis a partir da data de impressão; "FER" ). No caso em que um fundo subjacente tenha renunciado a uma parte de suas taxas ou limitado, o FER usado para determinar o ER da subconta que investe no fundo subjacente é o índice de despesas líquidas do fundo subjacente. "Fundo subjacente" ou "fundo" refere-se ao fundo mútuo subjacente, ao fundo de investimento coletivo ou ao fundo negociado em bolsa ("ETF") em que a opção de investimento investe.

O FER é determinado pelo fundo subjacente e está sujeito a flutuações. Qualquer alteração na FER de um fundo subjacente afetará o Índice de Despesas da opção de investimento que investe no fundo subjacente.

O RE aplica-se diariamente a uma taxa equivalente à taxa anual apresentada e pode variar para refletir as alterações nas despesas de um fundo subjacente e outros fatores.

Para as informações de Expense Ratio atuais a partir do trimestre mais recente, consulte a listagem mensal "Devoluções e Taxas" disponível em John Hancock, mediante solicitação. Para mais informações, entre em contato com seu representante financeiro.

** Desempenho da subconta.

Os dados de desempenho de uma subconta para qualquer período antes da data de início da subconta são hipotéticos com base no desempenho da carteira subjacente. + A data de introdução da classe é a mesma que a Data de início da subconta. Devoluções para qualquer período superior a um ano são anualizados. Os dados de desempenho refletem mudanças nos preços dos investimentos de uma subconta (incluindo as ações de um fundo subjacente), reinvestimento de dividendos e ganhos de capital e deduções para o Expense Ratio (ER). O desempenho não reflete quaisquer encargos aplicáveis ​​ao nível do contrato ou determinados encargos ao nível do participante, honorários por benefícios garantidos, se eleitos pelo participante ao abrigo do contrato de anuidade do grupo ou taxas de resgate impostas pelo Subfundo subjacente. Esses encargos, se incluídos, reduziriam o retorno total da conta de um participante. Todos os cálculos de desempenho apresentados foram preparados exclusivamente por John Hancock USA. A empresa de fundos subjacente não analisou o desempenho da subconta.

6A. Categoria Morningstar:

© 2018 Morningstar. Todos os direitos reservados. As informações contidas neste documento: (1) são de propriedade da Morningstar e / ou seus provedores de conteúdo; (2) não pode ser copiado ou distribuído; e (3) não é garantido para ser preciso, completo ou oportuno. Nem a Morningstar nem seus provedores de conteúdo são responsáveis ​​por quaisquer danos ou prejuízos decorrentes de qualquer uso dessas informações. O desempenho passado não é garantia de resultados futuros.

A Morningstar atribui categorias colocando os fundos em grupos de pares com base em suas propriedades subjacentes. Os títulos subjacentes em cada carteira são o principal fator que a Morningstar usa como objetivo de investimento, e a estratégia de investimento indicada no prospecto de um fundo pode não ser suficientemente detalhada para a nossa metodologia de classificação proprietária. Os fundos são colocados em uma categoria com base nas estatísticas e composições de seu portfólio nos últimos três anos. A análise do desempenho e outros fatos indicativos também são considerados. Se o fundo é novo e não tem histórico de carteira, a Morningstar estima onde ele irá cair antes de dar a ele uma atribuição de categoria permanente. As categorias podem ser alteradas com base em alterações recentes no portfólio.

*** Ratings de Portfólio da Morningstar.

Todos os dados da Morningstar são © 2018 da Morningstar, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. As informações contidas neste documento: (1) são de propriedade da Morningstar e / ou seus provedores de conteúdo; (2) não pode ser copiado ou distribuído; e (3) não é garantido para ser preciso, completo ou oportuno. Nem a Morningstar nem seus provedores de conteúdo são responsáveis ​​por quaisquer danos ou prejuízos decorrentes de qualquer uso dessas informações.

Para cada fundo subjacente com pelo menos um histórico de três anos, a Morningstar calcula um Morningstar Rating baseado em uma medida de Retorno Ajustado ao Risco da Morningstar que considera a variação no desempenho mensal do fundo subjacente (não inclui os efeitos de cobranças de vendas, cargas e taxas de resgate), colocando mais ênfase nas variações descendentes e recompensando o desempenho consistente. Fundos negociados em bolsa e fundos mútuos abertos são considerados uma única população para fins comparativos. Fundos com pontuações nos 10% melhores de cada categoria recebem 5 estrelas (maior); os próximos 22,5%, 4 estrelas (acima da média); os próximos 35%, 3 estrelas (média); os próximos 22,5%, 2 estrelas (abaixo da média); e o fundo 10%, 1 estrela (menor). As classificações da Morningstar são aplicáveis ​​apenas ao subjacente e refletem o desempenho histórico ajustado ao risco no último trimestre do calendário. Embora coletadas de fontes confiáveis, as informações não são representadas ou garantidas pela Morningstar para serem precisas, corretas, completas ou oportunas.

* Os montantes apresentados abaixo representam os rácios de despesa bruta e líquida do fundo subjacente em que a subconta investe. Quando os números são diferentes, o fundo subjacente renunciou ou cobriu uma parte de suas taxas, e o resultado de tal renúncia ou limite de taxa é refletido no índice de despesas líquidas. A renúncia ou limite está sujeito a expiração, caso em que a Relação de Despesas e o desempenho da subconta podem ser afetados. Consulte o prospecto do fundo subjacente para detalhes.

Ao calcular o rácio de despesas da subconta, é utilizado o rácio de despesas líquidas do fundo subjacente. Os retornos mostrados refletem o Índice de Despesas da subconta.

13. A receita total que John Hancock recebe neste Fundo é maior do que a recomendada ou subconsultada exclusivamente por entidades não afiliadas. John Hancock e suas afiliadas fornecem serviços exclusivos de consultoria e subconsultoria para o fundo subjacente. Para esses serviços, John Hancock e suas afiliadas recebem taxas adicionais que estão incluídas na relação de despesas do fundo subjacente (ou seja, Fund Expense Ratio ou FER).

23. O saldo da conta relatado pode incluir ativos transferidos de outro Fundo, que foi permanentemente fechado em 29 de outubro de 2007. Consulte o seu representante John Hancock para obter mais informações.

41. O saldo da conta relatado pode incluir ativos transferidos de outro Fundo, que foi permanentemente fechado em 27 de outubro de 2008 ou aproximadamente. Entre em contato com seu representante John Hancock para obter mais informações.

90. O saldo da conta relatado pode incluir ativos transferidos de outro Fundo, que foi permanentemente fechado em 28 de abril de 2008 ou em data posterior. Entre em contato com seu representante John Hancock para obter mais informações.

Com relação aos Fundos que exibem um desempenho de índice. O desempenho do índice mostrado é para um índice de mercado de títulos de base ampla. Os índices não são gerenciados e não podem ser investidos diretamente. Os retornos do índice foram preparados usando o Morningstar Direct. O desempenho de um Índice não inclui nenhum portfólio ou encargos relacionados a seguros. Se essas cobranças fossem refletidas, o desempenho seria menor. O desempenho passado não é garantia de resultados futuros.

i41 Índice de crescimento Russell Mid Cap: Oferece aos investidores acesso ao segmento de crescimento médio do universo de ações dos EUA e foi construído para fornecer um barômetro abrangente e imparcial do mercado de crescimento médio.

Desempenho do grupo de pares:

Com relação aos Fundos que exibem uma Performance do Grupo de Pares. Fonte: Morningstar Direct para Fundos Mútuos, a partir do final do mês mais recente. Os dados da Morningstar são © 2018 da Morningstar, Inc. Todos os direitos reservados. Embora coletadas de fontes confiáveis, as informações não são representadas ou garantidas pela Morningstar para serem precisas, corretas, completas ou oportunas. Os grupos de pares não são gerenciados e não podem ser investidos diretamente.

p18. Crescimento de médio porte: algumas carteiras de crescimento de média capitalização investem em ações de todos os portes, levando a um perfil de capitalização média, mas outras se concentram em empresas de médio porte. Os portfólios de crescimento de médio porte destinam-se a empresas norte-americanas com previsão de crescimento mais rápido do que outras ações de capitalização média, o que gera preços relativamente mais altos. A faixa média dos EUA para capitalização de mercado normalmente fica entre US $ 1 bilhão e US $ 8 bilhões e representa 20% da capitalização total do mercado acionário dos EUA. O crescimento é definido com base no crescimento rápido (altas taxas de crescimento de lucros, vendas, valor contábil e fluxo de caixa) e altas avaliações (altas taxas de preço e baixo rendimento de dividendos).

A Razão de Volume de Negócios exibida baseia-se nas demonstrações financeiras mais recentes disponíveis para o fundo mútuo subjacente, a confiança coletiva ou ETF na data da impressão e está sujeita a alterações.

Enrole a exposição do fornecedor.

Ratings de crédito de AA ou melhor são considerados de alta qualidade de crédito; as classificações de crédito de BBB - são boa qualidade de crédito e a categoria mais baixa de grau de investimento; ratings de crédito BB + e abaixo são títulos com classificação mais baixa ("junk bonds"); e as classificações de crédito da CCC + ou abaixo têm alto risco de inadimplência. A desagregação da qualidade de crédito não afeta o impacto de quaisquer investimentos em derivativos de crédito feitos pelo fundo.

A escala de classificação, que vai de uma alta de Aaa a uma baixa de C, compreende 21 graus. É dividido em duas seções, grau de investimento e grau especulativo. O menor grau de investimento é.

Baa3. O maior rating de grau especulativo é Ba1. Moody's appends numerical modifiers 1, 2, and 3 to each generic rating classification from Aa through Caa.

Fund availability subject to regulatory approval and may vary from state to state. Please confirm with your John Hancock Representative if you have any questions.

Group annuity contracts and recordkeeping agreements are issued by John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U. S.A.), Boston, MA (not licensed in New York). John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U. S.A.) makes available a platform of investment alternatives to sponsors or administrators of retirement plans without regard to the individualized needs of any plan. Unless otherwise specifically stated in writing, John Hancock Life Insurance Company (U. S.A.) does not, and is not undertaking to, provide impartial investment advice or give advice in a fiduciary capacity.


GrubHub Inc. GRUB (EUA: NYSE)

AT CLOSE 4:01 PM EST 02/21/18.

Volume 1,355,518.

AFTER HOURS 7:58 PM EST 02/21/18.

AFTER HOURS Vol 1,640,121.

Compare com Benchmark: DJIA S & P 500 GLOBAL DOW NASDAQ Lazer / Artes / Hospitalidade.

Open 97.18 Prior Close 97.05 (02/20/18) 1 Day GRUB 0.48% DJIA -0.67% S&P 500 -0.55% Leisure/Arts/Hospitality -0.12%

Notícias GrubHub Inc. GRUB.

22 hours ago Press Release Grubhub and American Express Enable Card Members to Use Pay with Points and Amex Express Checkout to Order Takeout Press Release 02/13/18 Press Release Grubhub Expands Partnership with Foursquare to Bring Restaurant Delivery to More Users Nationwide Press Release 02/11/18 MarketWatch GrubHub’s stock rockets as Yum partnership is seen as a ‘big win’ MarketWatch 02/10/18 Barron's Charting the Market Barron's 02/09/18 Barron's Grubhub: Credit, and Caution, From a Bear Barron's 02/08/18 The Wall Street Journal Yum Brands Buys 3% Stake in Food-Delivery Service GrubHub The Wall Street Journal 02/08/18 Barron's Grubhub: Colonel Sanders Comes Calling Barron's 02/08/18 Press Release Should you be investing in Activision Blizzard, GrubHub Inc., Snap Inc., Tesla Motors and Twitter? Comunicado de imprensa 02/08/18 Comunicado de imprensa Grubhub reporta resultados recordes do quarto trimestre Comunicado de imprensa 02/08/18 Comunicado de imprensa Yum! Brands and Grubhub Announce New U. S. Growth Partnership Press Release 01/30/18 Barron's Big Companies Want to Eat GrubHub’s Lunch Barron's 01/25/18 Barron's How the Meal Delivery Battle Could Play Out Barron's 01/20/18 Barron's Barron’s Roundtable: A Bevy of Bargains Barron's 01/18/18 Press Release Grubhub Now Delivers for More Restaurants in Des Moines Press Release 01/17/18 Press Release Grubhub To Announce Fourth Quarter 2017 Financial Results On Feb. 8, 2018 Press Release 01/16/18 Press Release Grubhub Now Delivers for More Restaurants in Tacoma Press Release 01/16/18 Press Release Grubhub Now Delivers For More Restaurants in Greenville Press Release 01/16/18 Press Release Grubhub Now Delivers for More Restaurants in Greensboro Press Release 01/13/18 Barron's Barron’s Bullish 2017 Picks Fall Short; Chamadas em baixa Shine Barron 01/10/18 Blogs WSJ CFO Moves: Marks & amp; Spencer Group PLC, Guidewire Software Inc., Mosaic Co., Wayfair Inc. e GrubHub Inc. Blogs do WSJ 01/10/18 Press Release Grubhub e White Castle (R) apresentam a entrega dos principais especialistas em controle deslizante da nação 01 / 09/18 Comunicado de imprensa Grubhub e NCR tornam pedidos e entregas on-line mais eficientes para os restaurantes Comunicado de imprensa 01/06/18 Necessidade de Barron de obter mais lucros em 2 ações de pedidos de alimentos Barron 12/12/17 Os recentes ganhos de Barron não eliminam os desafios do avental azul Barron's 12/13/17 Press Release Grubhub amplia parceria com a The Cheesecake Factory para entregar favoritos de menu de Coast to Coast Press Release 12/06/17 Press Release Grubhub revela as tendências de entrega e prevê os próximos melhores alimentos em termos de entrega anual no ano de entrega & # 39; Report Press Release 27/11/17 Blogs do WSJ Cyber ​​Monday impulsiona os estoques de varejo on-line WSJ Blogs 27/11/17 Comunicado à imprensa Ações relacionadas à Internet & # 39; Relatórios de pesquisa lançados no GrubHub, Phoenix New Media, Groupon e Wix Press Release 11/05/17 The Wall Street Journal Estes restaurantes quentes não estão em mapas, apenas em aplicativos The Wall Street Journal 11/03/17 Barron & # 39; s Estoque do Yelp: 3 razões para comprar um Barron's 09/22/17 Barron depois do Whole Foods, a Amazon ainda está com fome Barron's 09/11/17 Barron's GrubHub's Fiery Stock Pode ter superaquecido Barron's 26/08/17 Barclays da Barron reduz o preço-alvo da Medtronic, mas fica acima do peso Rating Barron's 19/08/17 A aposta de Henry Ellenbogen de Barron no futuro paga Off Today Barron's 08/14/17 Expedia da Barron, IAC, EBay: Melhores ações on-line Barron's.

Principais dados do estoque

P / E Ratio (TTM)

Valor de mercado.

Ações em circulação.

Flutuante Público.

Último dividendo.

Data do Dividendo Ex.

Juros Curtas (31/01/18)

Ações vendidas a descoberto

Mudar de último.

Porcentagem de Flutuação.

Fluxo de dinheiro das ações.

Concorrentes GRUB.

Empresas de Flanigan Inc.

Bloomin & # 39; Brands Inc.

Chanticleer Holdings Inc.

Mais informações sobre os dados do concorrente do GRUB Fornecidos por: capital cube.

Perfil GRUB.

A GrubHub, Inc. opera como uma empresa de pedidos de alimentos on-line e móvel, que conecta clientes famintos a restaurantes locais para viagem. Suas plataformas de pedidos on-line e móveis permitem que os comensais e as empresas corporativas façam pedidos diretamente de restaurantes para viagem nos Estados Unidos.

111 West Washington Street.

Chicago Illinois 60602.

Pesquisa & amp; Classificações GrubHub Inc. GRUB.

Lucro Por Ação, Reais e Estimativas.

O GRUB Anual Trimestral informará os ganhos do ano fiscal de 2018 em caso de falsa. O GRUB informará os ganhos do primeiro trimestre em falso.

Finanças GrubHub Inc. GRUB.

Resultado líquido.

Notas e Provedores de Dados.

As cotações de ações em tempo real dos EUA refletem os negócios informados apenas pelo Nasdaq.

Cotações de ações internacionais estão atrasadas conforme exigências do câmbio. Os índices podem ser em tempo real ou atrasados; consulte os registros de data e hora nas páginas de cotação de índice para obter informações sobre os tempos de atraso.

Dados de cotação, exceto ações dos EUA, fornecidos pela SIX Financial Information.

Os dados são fornecidos "como estão" apenas para fins informativos e não se destinam a fins comerciais. A SIX Financial Information (a) não faz nenhuma garantia expressa ou implícita de qualquer tipo com relação aos dados, incluindo, sem limitação, qualquer garantia de comerciabilidade ou adequação a uma finalidade ou uso específico; e (b) não será responsável por quaisquer erros, incompletude, interrupção ou atraso, ação tomada com base em qualquer dado, ou por quaisquer danos resultantes. Os dados podem ser intencionalmente atrasados ​​de acordo com os requisitos do fornecedor.

Todas as informações do fundo mútuo e do ETF contidas nesta exibição foram fornecidas pela Lipper, uma empresa da Thomson Reuters, sujeitas ao seguinte: Copyright © Thomson Reuters. Todos os direitos reservados. Qualquer cópia, republicação ou redistribuição do conteúdo da Lipper, incluindo por armazenamento em cache, enquadramento ou meios semelhantes, é expressamente proibida sem o consentimento prévio por escrito da Lipper. A Lipper não se responsabiliza por quaisquer erros ou atrasos no conteúdo, ou por quaisquer ações tomadas com base nele.

Cotações de obrigações são atualizadas em tempo real. Fonte: Tullett Prebon.

Cotações de moeda são atualizadas em tempo real. Fonte: Tullet Prebon.

Dados fundamentais da empresa e estimativas de analistas fornecidas pela FactSet. Copyright FactSet Research Systems Inc. Todos os direitos reservados.

Prime Horizontal Building Operator Confidence from Entry to Exit.

Prime Horizontal’s mission is to develop and provide to its customers new and innovative guidance products and solutions for the steering of their difficult horizontal directional drilling (HDD) projects – projects for which conventional technology often proves inadequate. From the very beginning, Prime Horizontal has remained dedicated to this mission, thus developing an international reputation of excellence in both its guidance systems and service.

Prime Horizontal’s goal has always been to put its customers first by providing the most cost-effective and timely service with the highest degree of professionalism and ethical business practices. Prime Horizontal’s rapid growth in the years since its start has been a measure of its success in keeping its mission in sight and in reaching its goal for every project.

Since its inception, Prime Horizontal has been a driving force for the continuing development of systems and methods for tackling difficult crossing projects. Prime has done more than use conventional technology to solve field problems. Projects brought to Prime by its customers continues to lead to new, efficient and cost-effective solutions, thus adding more capabilities to Prime Horizontal’s toolkit and to customer’ opções.


Prime Horizontal’s success was initially based on the development in 1998 -1999 and successive improvements of the ParaTrack system of horizontal guidance. Originally developed by Vector Magnetics as an underground parallel-drilling location system, the ParaTrack system was co-developed and continues to be improved by Prime Horizontal and Vector Magnetics for specific application to the HDD market.


The Rotating Magnet Ranging Service (RMRS) is typically used for horizontal to vertical well intersections for production of Coal Bed Methane (CBM).

The RMRS kit consists of a Rotating Magnet Sub, of length approximately 18.5 in, which sits between the bit and the mud motor of the horizontal, directional well. This sub contains stacks of powerful rare earth magnets that create an AC magnetic field when rotating with the bit. This magnetic field is monitored by the ParaTrack-2 Sensor Probe located in a nearby vertical well on wireline, with a usable range of up to 220 ft (67 m), and provides a distance and direction from the Sensor Probe to the Drill Bit.


While driven by Prime Horizontal’s presence at the drill site, a significant departure from our conventional service business has been the development of ProData, our purpose built rig data display and transmission system.

On every drill site you will find in one form or another 3 fundamental components, The drilling rig itself…the front line of the operation, the power pack providing the hydraulic energy to drive the drill, and the mud system, providing lubrication and transport for the cuttings removed from the drill face.

The Pro Data system is designed to measure drilling parameters from each of its sensors built into and around the drill site, whether they are rig, mud or power sensors.

Signals from the sensors are transmitted via a blue tooth wireless connection to the logging module on the drill site where it is viewed by the rig operator. From here the collected information is transmitted to a central database where it may be viewed graphically online through our client web portal in the client office.


While Prime Horizontal started as a HDD service company, our presence at the drill site and our knowledge of the drilling operation quickly led to providing drilling tools to our customers. Now, we offer a complete line of drill bits, hole openers, reamers and mud motors, together with a field mobile break out unit for the in-field repair of motors. We also provide sales of the ParaTrack system as well as training in the use of ParaTrack.

Cree Surpasses Earnings Estimates in Q1, Misses Revenues.

Zacks Equity Research October 18, 2017.

Cree Inc. ( CREE - Free Report) reported non-GAAP earnings of 4 cents per share in fiscal first-quarter 2018. The figure beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate by a penny but was significantly down from 15 cents reported in the year-ago quarter.

The company’s revenues totaled $360 million, down 2.9% year over year. The figure missed the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $361 million by a slight margin.

The company noted that it is on track to increase material capacity that includes doubling wafer capacity as well as increasing power production and capacity of RF device, which is expected to be completed by the end of fiscal 2018.

Cree stock has gained 18.5% year to date, underperforming the 20.5% rally of the industry it belongs to.

Cree has three reportable segments – Lighting Products, LED Products and Wolfspeed.

Lighting Products revenues of $149.7 million, which accounted for 42% of total revenue, were down 19% on a year-over-year basis. Revenues were down 3% sequentially and met the lower end of the guided range.

Lighting Products gross margin decreased 250 basis points (bps) sequentially. Due to continued weakness in the North American market, commercial lighting revenues were down. Additionally, the effect of the hurricanes and quality issues took a toll. Warranty costs were also high.

LED Products revenues were $144.5 million, up 5% a year-over-year basis, and accounted for 40% of total revenue. The segment saw a 1% sequential increase in revenues, which met the upper end of the guidance. There was a 100 bps sequential increase in gross margin for this segment, primarily attributable to a good product mix.

Wolfspeed revenues surged 33% year over year to $66.2 million and accounted for 18% of total revenue. Revenues grew 9% on a sequential basis and were ahead of the guidance. Gross margin saw a 350 bps increase from the prior quarter, which was backed by optimized utilization of the factories and production improvement.

Cree, Inc. Price, Consensus and EPS Surprise.

Non-GAAP gross margin was 28.3%, which contracted roughly 200 bps on a year-over-year basis. Non-GAAP operating margin contracted 400 bps from the year-ago quarter to 0.8%.

Cree exited fiscal first-quarter 2018 with cash, cash equivalents & short-term investments of $624.8 million. Inventory days on hand declined two days from June to 96 days at the end of September. Cree’s near-term inventory target remains at 90-100 days.

During the quarter, cash from operations was $54 million and capital expenditures were $39 million including patents, which resulted in free cash flow of $15 million.

For fiscal second-quarter 2018, Cree expects revenues in the range of $340-$360 million. Non-GAAP earnings are projected to be 4 cents per share.

Lighting revenues are projected to decline sequentially by around 8% owing to weakness in the North American market and impact of the recent hurricanes.

LED revenues are projected to be in the same range as in the first quarter. Wolfspeed segment is expected to gain traction, with capacity constraints being offset by increased productivity.

Non-GAAP gross margin is targeted at approximately 28.5%. Lighting margins are expected to increase due to certain cost related improvements, while Wolfspeed and LED margins are anticipated to decline.

Non-GAAP operating expenses are projected to be more or less $100 million, in line with the first quarter.

For fiscal 2018, Cree projects capital spending of almost $220 million for the expansion of Wolfspeed's production capacity. The company targets fiscal 2018 free cash outflow of $20 million due to increased expenses.

Currently, Cree has a Zacks Rank #4 (Sell).

Some better-ranked stocks in the broader technology space are Vishay Intertechnology ( VSH - Free Report) , sporting a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) and Applied Materials, Inc. ( AMAT - Free Report) and Guidewire Software, Inc. ( GWRE - Free Report) , both with a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). You can see the complete list of today’s Zacks #1 Rank stocks here.

Long-term earnings growth rate for Vishay Intertechnology, Applied Materials and Guidewire Software are currently pegged at 20.6%, 17.1% and 15.8%, respectively.

The Hottest Tech Mega-Trend of All.

Last year, it generated $8 billion in global revenues. By 2020, it's predicted to blast through the roof to $47 billion. Famed investor Mark Cuban says it will produce "the world's first trillionaires," but that should still leave plenty of money for regular investors who make the right trades early.

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No centro de tudo o que fazemos é um forte compromisso com a pesquisa independente e compartilhar suas descobertas lucrativas com os investidores. Essa dedicação em dar aos investidores uma vantagem comercial levou à criação do nosso comprovado sistema de classificação de ações Zacks Rank. Desde 1988, mais que dobrou o S & P 500, com um ganho médio de + 25% ao ano. Estes retornos cobrem um período de 1988-2017. Os retornos do sistema de classificação de ações da Zacks Rank são calculados mensalmente com base no início do mês e no final do mês. Os preços das ações da Zacks Rank mais quaisquer dividendos recebidos durante esse mês específico. Um retorno médio simples, igualmente ponderado, de todas as ações da Zacks Rank é calculado para determinar o retorno mensal. Os retornos mensais são então combinados para chegar ao retorno anual. Apenas os estoques da Zacks Rank incluídos nas carteiras hipotéticas Zacks no início de cada mês são incluídos nos cálculos de devolução. As ações da Zack Ranks podem, e muitas vezes mudam ao longo do mês. Determinados estoques de Zacks Rank para os quais não havia preço de fim de mês disponível, as informações de preço não foram coletadas ou, por outras razões, foram excluídas desses cálculos de devolução.

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Preços em tempo real por BATS. Cotações atrasadas por Sungard.

Os dados da NYSE e AMEX estão com pelo menos 20 minutos de atraso. Os dados do NASDAQ são pelo menos 15 minutos atrasados.

Guidewire Software, Inc. (GWRE)

(Citação em tempo real de BATS)

Updated Feb 21, 2018 03:59 PM ET.

Valor F | F Crescimento | F Momentum | F VGM.

As pontuações de estilo são um conjunto complementar de indicadores para usar junto com a classificação de Zacks. Ele permite que o usuário se concentre melhor nas ações que melhor atendem ao seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

As pontuações são baseadas nos estilos de negociação de Valor, Crescimento e Momento. Há também uma pontuação VGM ('V' para Value, 'G' para Growth e 'M' para Momentum), que combina a média ponderada das pontuações de estilo individuais em uma pontuação.

Dentro de cada pontuação, as ações são classificadas em cinco grupos: A, B, C, D e F. Como você pode se lembrar de seus dias de escola, um A é melhor que um B; um B é melhor que um C; um C é melhor que um D; e um D é melhor que um F.

Como investidor, você quer comprar ações com a maior probabilidade de sucesso. Isso significa que você quer comprar ações com um Zacks Rank # 1 ou # 2, Strong Buy ou Buy, que também tem uma pontuação de um A ou B no seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

Zacks Style Scores Education - Saiba mais sobre as classificações de estilo Zacks.

Este é o nosso sistema de classificação de curto prazo que serve como um indicador de oportunidade para os estoques nos próximos 1 a 3 meses. Quão bom é isso? Veja as classificações e o desempenho relacionado abaixo.

Zacks Rank Início - Zacks Rank recursos em um só lugar.

Zacks Premium - A única maneira de acessar totalmente o Zacks Rank.

Os relatórios da Zacks Equity Research, ou ZER, são os nossos relatórios de pesquisa produzidos internamente e de forma independente.

Os sempre populares relatórios de instantâneo de uma página são gerados para praticamente todos os estoques de Zacks Classificados. Está repleto de todas as principais estatísticas da empresa e informações importantes sobre tomada de decisões. Incluindo o Zacks Rank, o Zacks Industry Rank, o Style Scores, o Price, Consensus & Surprise, análise de estimativa gráfica e como as ações se elevam a seus pares.

O relatório detalhado de análise de várias páginas faz um mergulho ainda mais profundo nas estatísticas vitais da empresa. Além de toda a análise proprietária no Snapshot, o relatório também exibe visualmente os quatro componentes do Rank do Zacks (Acordo, Magnitude, Upside e Surprise); fornece uma visão abrangente dos drivers de negócios da empresa, completa com gráficos de ganhos e vendas; uma recapitulação de seu último relatório de lucros; e uma lista com marcadores de motivos para comprar ou vender as ações. Ele também inclui uma tabela comparativa do setor para ver como seu estoque se compara à indústria expandida e ao S & amp; P 500.

Pesquisando ações nunca foi tão fácil ou perspicaz como com os relatórios ZER Analyst e Snapshot.

O Zacks Industry Rank atribui uma classificação a cada uma das 265 indústrias X (Expandidas) com base na classificação média de Zacks.

Uma indústria com uma porcentagem maior de Zacks Rank 1s e 2s terá uma média de Zacks Rank melhor do que uma com uma porcentagem maior de Zacks Rankings 4 e 5s.

A indústria com a melhor média de Zacks Rank seria considerada a maior indústria (1 de 265), o que a colocaria no top 1% das Zacks Classified Industries. A indústria com a pior média de Zacks Rank (265 de 265) colocaria no 1% inferior.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Industry Rank Educação - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Industry Rank.

Visão geral de cotações.

Atividade de Ações.

Principais dados de ganhos.

O Zacks Earnings ESP (Expecto Surpresa Esperada) procura empresas que viram recentemente uma atividade positiva de revisão de estimativas de lucros. A ideia é que as informações mais recentes são, em geral, mais precisas e podem ser um melhor preditor do futuro, o que pode dar aos investidores uma vantagem na temporada de resultados.

A técnica provou ser muito útil para encontrar surpresas positivas. Na verdade, ao combinar um Zacks Rank 3 ou melhor e um Earnings ESP positivo, as ações produziram uma surpresa positiva em 70% do tempo, enquanto eles também viram retornos anuais de 28,3% em média, de acordo com nosso backtest de 10 anos.

Research Reports for GWRE.

News for GWRE.

Zacks News for GWRE Other News for GWRE.

Guidewire (GWRE) Adds Utilant to its Partner Connect Program.

Why Is Guidewire Software (GWRE) Down 3.5% Since the Last Earnings Report?

GWRE: What are Zacks experts saying now?

Zacks Private Portfolio Services.

Guidewire (GWRE) Reports Loss in Q1 Earnings, Revenues Beat.

Cree Surpasses Earnings Estimates in Q1, Misses Revenues.

Guidewire (GWRE) to Acquire Cyber Risk Analyst -- Cyence.

Guidewire Software to Announce Second Quarter Fiscal 2018 Financial Results on March 6, 2018.

Top-Rated Stocks Near Buy Point Ahead Of Earnings: Guidewire Software.

S&P Global Ratings360¿ to Include Cyber Risk Insights from Guidewire Software¿s Cyence Risk Analytics.

Rockingham Insurance Selects Guidewire for Cloud-Based, All-in-One Solution.

Federated Insurance Selects Guidewire Systems to Better Serve Commercial Lines Customers.

Premium Research for GWRE.

Valor F | F Crescimento | F Momentum | F VGM.

Este é o nosso sistema de classificação de curto prazo que serve como um indicador de oportunidade para os estoques nos próximos 1 a 3 meses. Quão bom é isso? Veja as classificações e o desempenho relacionado abaixo.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Rank Início - Todos os Zacks classificam recursos em um só lugar.

Zacks Premium - A única maneira de obter acesso ao Zacks Rank.

As pontuações de estilo são um conjunto complementar de indicadores para usar junto com a classificação de Zacks. Ele permite que o usuário se concentre melhor nas ações que melhor atendem ao seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

As pontuações são baseadas nos estilos de negociação de Valor, Crescimento e Momento. Há também uma pontuação VGM ('V' para Value, 'G' para Growth e 'M' para Momentum), que combina a média ponderada das pontuações de estilo individuais em uma pontuação.

Dentro de cada pontuação, as ações são classificadas em cinco grupos: A, B, C, D e F. Como você pode se lembrar de seus dias de escola, um A é melhor que um B; um B é melhor que um C; um C é melhor que um D; e um D é melhor que um F.

Como investidor, você quer comprar ações com a maior probabilidade de sucesso. Isso significa que você quer comprar ações com um Zacks Rank # 1 ou # 2, Strong Buy ou Buy, que também tem uma pontuação de um A ou B no seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

Zacks Style Scores Education - Saiba mais sobre as classificações de estilo Zacks.

O Zacks Industry Rank atribui uma classificação a cada uma das 265 indústrias X (Expandidas) com base na classificação média de Zacks.

Uma indústria com uma porcentagem maior de Zacks Rank 1s e 2s terá uma média de Zacks Rank melhor do que uma com uma porcentagem maior de Zacks Rankings 4 e 5s.

A indústria com a melhor média de Zacks Rank seria considerada a maior indústria (1 de 265), o que a colocaria no top 1% das Zacks Classified Industries. A indústria com a pior média de Zacks Rank (265 de 265) colocaria no 1% inferior.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Industry Rank Educação - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Industry Rank.

O Zacks Sector Rank atribui uma classificação a cada um dos 16 Setores com base em sua classificação média de Zacks.

Um sector com uma percentagem mais elevada de Zacks Rank # 1 e # 2 terá uma média de Zacks Rank melhor do que um com uma percentagem maior de Zacks Rank # 4 e # 5 & s.

Zacks Sector Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Sector Rank.

O setor com a melhor média de Zacks Rank seria considerado o setor de topo (1 de 16), que o colocaria no top 1% dos Setores Classificados de Zacks. O setor com a pior média de Zacks Rank (16 de 16) colocaria no 1% inferior.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Sector Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Sector Rank.

Os relatórios da Zacks Equity Research, ou ZER, são os nossos relatórios de pesquisa produzidos internamente e de forma independente.

Os sempre populares relatórios de instantâneo de uma página são gerados para praticamente todos os estoques de Zacks Classificados. Está repleto de todas as principais estatísticas da empresa e informações importantes sobre tomada de decisões. Incluindo o Zacks Rank, o Zacks Industry Rank, o Style Scores, o Price, Consensus & Surprise, análise de estimativa gráfica e como as ações se elevam a seus pares.

O relatório detalhado de análise de várias páginas faz um mergulho ainda mais profundo nas estatísticas vitais da empresa. Além de toda a análise proprietária no Snapshot, o relatório também exibe visualmente os quatro componentes do Rank do Zacks (Acordo, Magnitude, Upside e Surprise); fornece uma visão abrangente dos drivers de negócios da empresa, completa com gráficos de ganhos e vendas; uma recapitulação de seu último relatório de lucros; e uma lista com marcadores de motivos para comprar ou vender as ações. Ele também inclui uma tabela comparativa do setor para ver como seu estoque se compara à indústria expandida e ao S & amp; P 500.

Pesquisando ações nunca foi tão fácil ou perspicaz como com os relatórios ZER Analyst e Snapshot.

O Zacks Earnings ESP (Expecto Surpresa Esperada) procura empresas que viram recentemente uma atividade positiva de revisão de estimativas de lucros. A ideia é que as informações mais recentes são, em geral, mais precisas e podem ser um melhor preditor do futuro, o que pode dar aos investidores uma vantagem na temporada de resultados.

A técnica provou ser muito útil para encontrar surpresas positivas. Na verdade, ao combinar um Zacks Rank 3 ou melhor e um Earnings ESP positivo, as ações produziram uma surpresa positiva em 70% do tempo, enquanto eles também viram retornos anuais de 28,3% em média, de acordo com nosso backtest de 10 anos.

Este é o nosso sistema de classificação de curto prazo que serve como um indicador de oportunidade para os estoques nos próximos 1 a 3 meses. Quão bom é isso? Veja as classificações e o desempenho relacionado abaixo.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Rank Início - Todos os Zacks classificam recursos em um só lugar.

Zacks Premium - A única maneira de acessar totalmente o Zacks Rank.

O Zacks Industry Rank atribui uma classificação a cada uma das 265 indústrias X (Expandidas) com base na classificação média de Zacks.

Uma indústria com uma porcentagem maior de Zacks Rank 1s e 2s terá uma média de Zacks Rank melhor do que uma com uma porcentagem maior de Zacks Rankings 4 e 5s.

A indústria com a melhor média de Zacks Rank seria considerada a maior indústria (1 de 265), o que a colocaria no top 1% das Zacks Classified Industries. A indústria com a pior média de Zacks Rank (265 de 265) colocaria no 1% inferior.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Industry Rank Educação - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Industry Rank.

O Zacks Sector Rank atribui uma classificação a cada um dos 16 Setores com base em sua classificação média de Zacks.

Um sector com uma percentagem mais elevada de Zacks Rank # 1 e # 2 terá uma média de Zacks Rank melhor do que um com uma percentagem maior de Zacks Rank # 4 e # 5 & s.

Zacks Sector Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Sector Rank.

O setor com a melhor média de Zacks Rank seria considerado o setor de topo (1 de 16), que o colocaria no top 1% dos Setores Classificados de Zacks. O setor com a pior média de Zacks Rank (16 de 16) colocaria no 1% inferior.

Zacks Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Rank.

Zacks Sector Rank Education - Saiba mais sobre o Zacks Sector Rank.

As pontuações de estilo são um conjunto complementar de indicadores para usar junto com a classificação de Zacks. Ele permite que o usuário se concentre melhor nas ações que melhor atendem ao seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

As três pontuações baseiam-se nos estilos de negociação Crescimento, Valor e Momento.

Dentro de cada pontuação, as ações são classificadas em cinco grupos: A, B, C, D e F. Como você deve se lembrar de seus dias de escola, um A é melhor que um B; um B é melhor que um C; um C é melhor que um D; e um D é melhor que um F.

Como investidor, você quer comprar ações com a maior probabilidade de sucesso. Isso significa que você quer comprar ações com um Zacks Rank # 1 ou # 2, Strong Buy ou Buy, que também tem uma pontuação de um A ou um B.

Zacks Style Scores Education - Saiba mais sobre as classificações de estilo Zacks.

As pontuações de estilo são um conjunto complementar de indicadores para usar junto com a classificação de Zacks. Ele permite que o usuário se concentre melhor nas ações que melhor atendem ao seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

As pontuações são baseadas nos estilos de negociação de Valor, Crescimento e Momento. Há também uma pontuação VGM ('V' para Value, 'G' para Growth e 'M' para Momentum), que combina a média ponderada das pontuações de estilo individuais em uma pontuação.

Dentro de cada pontuação, as ações são classificadas em cinco grupos: A, B, C, D e F. Como você pode se lembrar de seus dias de escola, um A é melhor que um B; um B é melhor que um C; um C é melhor que um D; e um D é melhor que um F.

Como investidor, você quer comprar ações com a maior probabilidade de sucesso. Isso significa que você quer comprar ações com um Zacks Rank # 1 ou # 2, Strong Buy ou Buy, que também tem uma pontuação de um A ou B no seu estilo de negociação pessoal.

Zacks Style Scores Education - Saiba mais sobre as classificações de estilo Zacks.

Os relatórios da Zacks Equity Research, ou ZER, são os nossos relatórios de pesquisa produzidos internamente e de forma independente.

Os sempre populares relatórios de instantâneo de uma página são gerados para praticamente todos os estoques de Zacks Classificados. Está repleto de todas as principais estatísticas da empresa e informações importantes sobre tomada de decisões. Incluindo o Zacks Rank, o Zacks Industry Rank, o Style Scores, o Price, Consensus & Surprise, análise de estimativa gráfica e como as ações se elevam a seus pares.

O relatório detalhado de análise de várias páginas faz um mergulho ainda mais profundo nas estatísticas vitais da empresa. Além de toda a análise proprietária no Snapshot, o relatório também exibe visualmente os quatro componentes do Rank do Zacks (Acordo, Magnitude, Upside e Surprise); fornece uma visão abrangente dos drivers de negócios da empresa, completa com gráficos de ganhos e vendas; uma recapitulação de seu último relatório de lucros; e uma lista com marcadores de motivos para comprar ou vender as ações. Ele também inclui uma tabela comparativa do setor para ver como seu estoque se compara à indústria expandida e ao S & amp; P 500.

Pesquisando ações nunca foi tão fácil ou perspicaz como com os relatórios ZER Analyst e Snapshot.

(= Mudança nos últimos 30 dias)

Pesquisa Premium: Análise da Indústria.

Preço e EPS Surprise Chart.

Bilhão de dólares em segredo.

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Resumo da empresa.

Guidewire Software, Inc. is a provider of software products for property and casualty (P&C) insurers. The Company's software serves as a technology platform for P&C insurance carriers. The Company's Insurance Platform consists of three elements: core transaction processing, data management and analytics, and digital engagement. The Company sells its products to a range of global P&C insurance carriers ranging from global insurers to national carriers to regional carriers. It's core transaction processing includes Guidewire InsuranceSuite, Guidewire PolicyCenter, Guidewire ClaimCenter, Guidewire BillingCenter and InsuranceSuite Add-on Modules. The Company's data management and analytics includes Guidewire DataHub, Guidewire InfoCenter, Guidewire Live and Guidewire Predictive Analytics.

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Copyright 2018 Zacks Investment Research.

No centro de tudo o que fazemos é um forte compromisso com a pesquisa independente e compartilhar suas descobertas lucrativas com os investidores. Essa dedicação em dar aos investidores uma vantagem comercial levou à criação do nosso comprovado sistema de classificação de ações Zacks Rank. Desde 1988, mais que dobrou o S & P 500, com um ganho médio de + 25% ao ano. Estes retornos cobrem um período de 1988-2017. Os retornos do sistema de classificação de ações da Zacks Rank são calculados mensalmente com base no início do mês e no final do mês. Os preços das ações da Zacks Rank mais quaisquer dividendos recebidos durante esse mês específico. Um retorno médio simples, igualmente ponderado, de todas as ações da Zacks Rank é calculado para determinar o retorno mensal. Os retornos mensais são então combinados para chegar ao retorno anual. Apenas os estoques da Zacks Rank incluídos nas carteiras hipotéticas Zacks no início de cada mês são incluídos nos cálculos de devolução. As ações da Zack Ranks podem, e muitas vezes mudam ao longo do mês. Determinados estoques de Zacks Rank para os quais não havia preço de fim de mês disponível, as informações de preço não foram coletadas ou, por outras razões, foram excluídas desses cálculos de devolução.

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Preços em tempo real por BATS. Cotações atrasadas por Sungard.

Os dados da NYSE e AMEX estão com pelo menos 20 minutos de atraso. Os dados do NASDAQ são pelo menos 15 minutos atrasados.

Guidewire PartnerConnect.

Success: It Takes a Community.

Guidewire PartnerConnect™ is a network of select partner companies that provide consulting services and solutions to enhance, extend, and complement the capabilities of Guidewire products. Our worldwide partner community helps contribute to the success of our mutual customers in the property and casualty insurance industry by delivering Guidewire software implementations, value-add solution and technology offerings, and guidance on insurance industry best practices.

For most categories, PartnerConnect includes three relationship tiers (or levels): Select, Advantage, and Premier. The PartnerConnect tiers are designed to recognize individual partners based on achievements and contributions such as insurance industry expertise, number of Guidewire certified employees, or number of integration accelerators.


Guidewire PartnerConnect Consulting partners provide consulting services such as business transformation and strategy, implementation, and related delivery services. Complementing Guidewire Services consulting resources, our consulting partners provide additional Guidewire trained and certified consultants. To date, Guidewire Consulting practices worldwide include more than 5,100 consultants who have been trained or are experienced on Guidewire products.

Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution partners provide software, technology, and data solutions as well as insurance support services. Our solution partners help drive business value by developing and delivering additional integrations, extensions, and other complementary solutions for Guidewire products.


Guidewire has relationships with various industry associations that benefit our customers.

A infraestrutura.

Infrastructure partners offer software and hardware technology infrastructure to our mutual customers.

PartnerConnect | Consultando.

Guidewire PartnerConnect Consulting partners provide consulting services such as business transformation and strategy, implementation, and related delivery services. Complementing Guidewire services consulting resources, our consulting partners provide additional Guidewire trained and certified consultants. To date, Guidewire Consulting practices worldwide include more than 6,275 consultants who have been trained or are experienced on Guidewire products.

Capgemini, one of the world's foremost providers of Consulting, Technology and Outsourcing services, enables its clients to transform and perform through technologies. Capgemini provides its clients with insights and capabilities that boost their freedom to achieve superior results through a unique way of working, called the "Collaborative Business Experience". The Group relies on its global delivery model called Rightshore®, which aims to get the right balance of the best talent from multiple locations, working as one team to create and deliver the optimum solution for clients. Present in more than 30 countries, Capgemini reported 2010 global revenues of US 12.6 billion and employs over 108,000 people worldwide.

With more than 600 Guidewire experienced resources and 30 project engagements, Capgemini has a large global Guidewire practice to support implementations, upgrades, and hosting. Capgemini was the first Guidewire partner to perform a production upgrade, lead a Guidewire PolicyCenter implementation, and sign a multi-year Application Management Services agreement. Capgemini's Guidewire practice provides a consistent global methodology for Guidewire clients from their offshore delivery centers located in North America, Europe and India. Capgemini's mature global delivery model provides a flexible, consistent, cost efficient methodology with the potential to reduce the overall cost of implementation and ongoing support of the Guidewire platform. capgemini.

EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.

As a leading provider of claims, billing, policy administration and enterprise incentive management transformation and implementation services to insurers worldwide, we bring to market end-to-end transformational solutions to address our clients' core insurance operations needs. By leveraging Guidewire-specific project accelerators and a strong onshore/offshore resource-base we deliver high value at a competitive price. We operate Insurance Centers of Excellence worldwide staffed by Guidewire trained and experienced professionals. Our proven services span the entire engagement lifecycle, from strategy through implementation and our clients benefit from our broad insurance sector experience, deep subject matter knowledge and integrated services in areas such as audit, actuarial, risk, finance improvement, operations improvement, transactions, tax, accounting and accounting implementation, financial reporting, technology, business intelligence and analytics, enabling them to enhance their business operations and position their companies to meet competitive demands. ey/us/insurance.

PricewaterhouseCoopers provides industry-focused assurance, tax and advisory services. More than 180,000 people in 153 countries across PwC's network share their experience to develop fresh perspectives and practical advice. PwC serves approximately 90 percent of the insurers in the Fortune 1000, and has extensive insight into client and industry issues.

PwC's Guidewire experience is based on our relationship dating back to 2003 and having worked on more than 75 Guidewire projects. When PwC acquired BearingPoint in June of 2009, they brought over their Guidewire practice, including consultants, project accelerators, and best practices from implementations. PwC continues to leverage and grow their Guidewire Center of Excellence and Lab that allows their consultants to share information, provide continuous training and improvement of PwC's Guidewire-specific templates. PwC has a rich inventory of Policy, Billing and Claims business cases, capability models, reference architectures, business and technical requirements, process flows and Guidewire-specific artifacts based upon their software system. PwC has the ability to provide ongoing application maintenance and infrastructure support for their clients as needed. PwC's experience allows them to focus on the overall business and technology transformation and accurately estimate these projects and balance project execution and change management within a client's organization to help obtain the return on investment during these complex projects. pwc.

Adaptra is an insurance industry specialist with significant experience and knowledge in IT project management, consulting and Guidewire application implementation services across Australia and New Zealand. Headquartered in Sydney Australia, Adaptra was founded in 1995 to provide project management services and has grown to become a leader in technology and business consulting services (including Agile, Architecture, BPM, PMO and IT development). Adaptra is about delivery. Adaptra's experts have the knowledge, the pragmatism and the experience to help clients increase profitability and service.

Since 2005 Adaptra has provided Guidewire implementation services and resources to multiple Guidewire customers. Adaptra's suite of Guidewire services includes: assessment services; functional consultancy services; project resources; and agile project managers. Additionally, Adaptra has Guidewire Certified consultants in Guidewire ClaimCenter and PolicyCenter, with all of its key consultants certified as SCRUM masters. adaptra. au/


BearingPoint is a partner led management and IT consulting firm with a strong European base and a global reach. BearingPoint consults with large and mid-sized insurance companies with regards to IT strategy, insurance transformation, and application renewal. BearingPoint offers a strong expertise in project management, requirements management, and systems integration.

Besides these capabilities BearingPoint has many years of experience in policy and claims management processes and business process automation. Especially for claims management, BearingPoint offers a claims assessment based on metrics to identify areas of potential for increase efficiency and optimization. BearingPoint has a worldwide competence center for Guidewire located in Germany. bearingpoint.

Business Agility.

Business Agility is the leader in specialist development and integration services to the London Market and General Insurance industry; it successfully implemented Europe's first ever ClaimCenter system and has since been involved in more than 24 Guidewire ClaimCenter projects worldwide. Business Agility focuses on reducing risk and implementing Guidewire solutions on time and within budget; it is proud of its 100% successful delivery record. In line with Business Agility's unique status as a London Market Guidewire integrator, it has developed a portfolio of London Market-specific project Accelerators, including automatic generation of FNOL process and review activities from CWT messages.

With a pragmatic approach, Business Agility provides full-time, Guidewire-certified and experienced individuals across all roles including SCRUM, project management, business analysis, configuration, integration and testing. To ensure successful project implementation, the Business Agility Team is highly experienced in the Agile delivery methodology using an on-site delivery model and crucially, adhering to Guidewire's best practices. The Team works with both IT and the line of business department(s) to optimise claims and policy management processes. business-agility.

CastleBay Consulting.

CastleBay provides best-in-class software acquisition; program, project and quality management; and integration services to the P/C market. CastleBay's value proposition is based on deep insurance domain expertise, complex technology project experience and reuse of Intellectual Capital assets. castlebayconsulting.

Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey, Cognizant employs over 50 delivery centers worldwide and approximately 187,400 employees as of June 30, 2014. We're a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and are ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world.

Cognizant's dedicated Guidewire Practice leads and supports transformative engagements that deliver differentiated capabilities and business value to our clients. Our Guidewire Center of Excellence provides services that range from full scale implementation to strategy, reporting, testing, upgrades and application management. Cognizant's experience encompasses the full Guidewire InsuranceSuiteTM -- ClaimsCenter, PolicyCenter, and BillingCenter. With a team of experienced Guidewire business analysts, configuration, integration, and testing specialists, Cognizant's proprietary implementation approach is supported by project accelerators, best practices, and global delivery capability. For more information, visit us at: cognizant/insurance.

Deloitte Consulting, LLP.

The Deloitte and Guidewire alliance brings together Deloitte's deep experience in business transformation in the insurance industry with Guidewire's suite of applications for core systems transformation. Together we can help insurers realize the potential of their core systems by transforming business processes to take advantage of the flexible capabilities in Guidewire software.

Deloitte brings decades of experience in helping insurers transform their business processes and IT systems. Through years of experience delivering large-scale business applications, Deloitte has developed and used tested methodologies for application development as well as developed Guidewire specific tools and artifacts that can help accelerate delivery and reduce cost and risk. Deloitte has one of the largest technology practices in the world, with access to a network of more than 26,000 practitioners across more than 30 countries. For more information, please visit deloitte/us/guidewire.

GFT Group is a business change and technology consultancy trusted by the worlds’ leading financial services institutions to solve their most critical challenges. Specifically defining answers to the current constant of regulatory change—whilst innovating to meet the demands of the digital revolution.

GFT Group brings together advisory, creative and technology capabilities with innovation culture and specialist knowledge of the finance sector, to transform the client’s businesses.

Utilising the CODE_n innovation platform, GFT is able to provide international start-ups, technology pioneers and established companies access to a global network, which enables them to tap into the disruptive trends in financial services markets and harness them for their out of the box thinking.

Headquartered in Germany, the GFT Technologies SE achieved consolidated revenue of around EUR 365 million in 2014 and is represented in eleven countries with a global team spanning 3,300 employees. The GFT share is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the TecDAX (ISIN: DE0005800601). To learn more visit gft.

IBM Global Business Services offers integrated, innovative strategy and change solutions in Business strategy consulting, Operations strategy, Technology strategy, and Organization change strategy. Guidewire is an optimized member of the IBM PartnerWorld Insurance Industry Network. Guidewire solutions support a wide range of IBM hardware and software platforms including pSeries and xSeries server families, the AIX server operating system, and WebSphere Application Server.

IBM GBS was the first Guidewire Alliances partner outside of North America to successfully lead an implementation of a Guidewire ClaimCenter project in New Zealand. IBM Hosting is also involved in this implementation – hosting and managing ClaimCenter off-site on IBM servers for them. ibm.

Sollers Consulting.

An international company specializing in advisory and implementation services for the financial sector, Sollers Consulting was established in Warsaw, Poland, in 2000 by experts in the fields of operational consulting and IT. The company cooperates with partners throughout the world, including Guidewire Software, Moody’s Analytics, Microsoft, Oracle, and TIA Technology. Sollers Consulting is distinguished by its ability to combine business expertise with competency in new technologies. Using modern project management methods such as Agile, our teams have completed projects for over 50 financial groups from all over the world, including Santander, PZU, Millennium, Raiffeisen, Talanx (Warta), Santander, Inter, Generali, ING, and Proama.

The core value of Sollers Consulting is its strong team of professionals―the company employs nearly 300 highly qualified consultants and developers in Warsaw, Lublin, and Cologne. More information can be found at sollers. eu.

Tenzing has a history of over 20 years consulting expertise in New Zealand. Our name and ethos is linked to Sherpa Tenzing Norgay – we work collaboratively to assist and achieve the aspirations of our clients.

Our unique blend of Management and Technology Consulting Services allows a one-stop shop for delivery of solutions to our insurance customers. Since 2007, Tenzing has provided Guidewire implementation services / resources and integration specialists to major insurers in NZ across the suite of Guidewire products. Visit us at tenzing. co. nz.

V-NEO is a P&C insurance industry business and IT specialist headquartered in Quebec City, Canada. V-NEO's primary mission is to add value in organizations through its professional services (which aim for results that exceed expectations while complying with deadlines and costs) and to leave the client with an imprint or assets extending beyond the intervention. V-NEO provides enterprise architecture and information technology services through the entire course of implementation of solutions from strategy, selection, inception, and planning to the delivery and actualization of value in the organization.

Since 2010, V-NEO's professionals have provided Guidewire implementation services and resources to Canadian insurers. Through key professionals who are chosen for their affinities with customers, involved in the selection of the solution and the implementation process, and committed to deliver results, V-NEO gives its customers the benefit of the business and IT expertise necessary to successfully carry out projects across Guidewire ClaimCenter, PolicyCenter, and BillingCenter. Visit us at v-neo/en/.

4impact, a leading technology implementation services organization in Australia, has as its mission to change the way IT projects are delivered. For over 10 years it has built an extensive portfolio of systems delivery projects that include enterprise systems and integration, web and mobile, data management, and managed application support services. With a core team of senior IT professionals backed by a vast network of trusted partners and associates across the APAC region, 4impact mobilizes expert and experienced professionals to solve its customers’ information challenges.

4impact has deep Guidewire experience across PolicyCenter, BillingCenter, and ClaimCenter as well as associated financial, document management, and BI systems. It has successfully delivered multiple projects including platform implementations, new insurance products, new claims systems, and version upgrades. 4impact provides both on - and off - shore blended services and covers the full range of services from strategy to implementation, support, and maintenance. 4impact. au.

Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 6,500 insurance specialists serving carriers in 39 countries. It works with 9 of the top 10 and 38 of the top 50 P&C insurers, helping them accelerate profitable growth, reduce costs and manage risk. It is consistently ranked by most analysts as one of the world’s leading software integrators.

Accenture has helped multiple clients, in different parts of the world, to successfully implement Guidewire. It offers not only unmatched integration experience and the ability to scale both regionally and globally. In addition, it has deep industry knowledge and a proven track record of helping insurers drive growth, enhance customer interaction and increase efficiency. Accenture’s assets, methodologies and expertise across the spectrum of insurance and technology enable its clients to derive the maximum benefit from their Guidewire software, while at the same time positioning them to improve innovation and the customer experience by taking advantage of analytics, digital marketing, mobility, cloud and social media. accenture/insurance.

B-Prost, leveraging a deep experience acquired through the development of numerous general insurance business systems for Japanese customers, is offering a broad range of business and IT services. B-Prost is specializing in providing business services and system development and maintenance services to the general insurance industry. Through a quick understanding of the business and system requirements, we can propose efficient improvements and development. Our undisputed knowledge of the insurance business and systems allows us to propose best practices to our customers.

B-Prost has experience in Japan implementing Guidewire InsuranceSuite, developing on a very short schedule a ClaimCenter system in 4 months, and a PolicyCenter/ BillingCenter system in 6 months which were both among the fastest projects for Guidewire implementations. B-Prost can advise on the best usage of Guidewire in Japanese general insurance systems, as well as offer integrations specific to the Japanese market. b-prost. co. jp.

Blackcomb Consultants.

Blackcomb Consultants (formerly Stonebridge Consulting Group) is a leading P&C insurance–industry consulting firm that focuses on systems integration, executive management (Interim-CIO), program management, and project management consulting services centered around Guidewire InsuranceSuite. Blackcomb leverages proven insurance executives with deep consulting experience to deliver successful core software implementations. The company has its headquarters in Naperville, Illinois, with development centers in Dallas, Texas, and Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Blackcomb’s consulting portfolio includes tools that help insurance companies effectively plan, implement, and support core-insurance systems people, processes, and technology. Blackcomb’s Readiness Assessment is one of those critically important tools that provide insurance companies the comfort to know they are “truly ready”―so they can begin to effectively plan and execute core systems implementations. For core insurance systems, Blackcomb has successfully provided solutions for the complete business transformation lifecycle (Strategy, Selection, Assessment, Inception, Development, Stabilization, Support, and Upgrades). Our Dallas-based Development & Hosting Center enables us to deliver a unique, low-cost solution for implementing Guidewire software applications for insurance companies with less than $1B premium. blackcombconsultants/guidewire.

Centric Consulting.

Centric Consulting is a business consulting and technology solutions firm providing full-service management consulting services. Our expert consultants help clients tackle their toughest business challenges with innovative, balanced and measureable solutions. With more than 700 employees in 11 cities across the U. S. and in India, as well as two national practices, Centric is known for helping clients achieve their business goals and be more competitive. Centric was founded in 1999 and is a privately owned company.

Centric focuses on the implementation of the Guidewire Suite for small and middle market insurance carriers. We leverage our local business model, insurance industry expertise, core systems experience, and offshore delivery capabilities to create attractive teaming options for Guidewire implementation, upgrade and support work. Centric also has a robust Insurance Business Intelligence capability that will be leveraged for clients that chose to implement the Guidewire InfoCenter and Datahub solutions. The Centric team is experienced, resourceful and passionate about the clients we serve and the results we deliver. To learn more, visit centricconsulting/insurance.

CGI's 72,000 professionals in 40 countries provide end-to-end IT and business process services that facilitate the ongoing evolution of our clients' businesses. CGI offers services and solutions that cover every aspect of a P&C insurer's business and has been deeply entrenched in the P&C industry for decades, working extensively on the business, transaction and technology sides. This capability was recently materially expanded with the acquisition of Logica in August, 2012, a management and technology consulting leader with P&C experience across Europe and Latin America. CGI's experts have the credentials, experience and know-how to transform P&C operations, as well as a track record of on-time, on-budget delivery based on our rigorous project management approach.

Having built, sold and implemented dozens of core insurance systems around the world, CGI is highly qualified to assist in the planning and successful execution of customers' transition to, configuration of and integration with Guidewire's leading solutions. For further information, visit cgi/en/insurance/property-and-casualty.

Your success is our success – this is our mantra at Cynosure. We are a team of Guidewire experts focused on simplifying core systems transformation. Each systems transformation is approached with the primary focus of helping you lower your total cost of ownership while delivering the highest possible quality. Our consultants have delivered over 20 successful Guidewire projects, leveraging our deep understanding of Guidewire products to deliver innovative functionality and drive operational efficiency.

Our team consists of former, senior-level Guidewire professionals with project management, data warehousing, systems architecture, systems integration, and management consulting experience. As your trusted implementation partner, our committed team will be with you during all phases of your systems transformation journey. With our Guidewire expertise, implementation accelerators, distributed agile model and rapid development approach, you can count on Cynosure to get your transformation done right and on budget! cynosureinc.

Established in 1993, EPAM Systems, Inc. (NYSE: EPAM) is recognized as a leader in software product development by independent research agencies. Headquartered in the United States, EPAM serves clients worldwide utilizing its award-winning global delivery platform and its locations in over 20 countries across North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. EPAM was ranked #6 in 2013 America's 25 Fastest-Growing Tech Companies and #3 in 2014 America's Best Small Companies lists by Forbes Magazine.

The EPAM and Guidewire partnership provides the following advantages at the local market: constant improvements through utilizing of the best domestic and global practices, investment into emerging technologies and employees, transparency on all implementation stages, utilizing of practices and solutions for global business adopted to the local market features. In addition, we provide coverage of the whole insurance processes cycle by using best in the market solutions with a flexible customization for individual customer needs all while maintaining a focus on quality according to international standards . For more information please visit epam .

FDC is Scandinavia’s leading supplier of IT solutions for the insurance and pension industries. Based in Denmark, we have a broad reach and large customer base totaling more than 7 million policies in the region. We differentiate ourselves by providing unique services across the property and casualty, life and pension, and health sectors. Our goal is to achieve recognition as the preferred implementation and operations partner for core IT platforms in the insurance industry.

We are convinced that our competitive differentiator is our excellent customer support before, during, and after implementations. For over 50 years, our presence in the insurance and pension market has given us extensive market knowledge that makes us unique in the region. With deep expertise in both IT and the insurance field, we are able to provide customers with a profound understanding of both their business and their IT needs. The result is superior implementation of IT core systems.

FDC is the primary Guidewire Solution partner in Scandinavia. Our common objective is to make Guidewire InsuranceSuite the preferred and most common IT solution for regional insurance companies. fdc. dk.

HCL Technologies is a leading global IT services company, working with clients in the areas that impact and redefine the core of their businesses. HCL focuses on ‘transformational outsourcing’, underlined by innovation and value creation, and offers integrated portfolio of services including software-led IT solutions, remote infrastructure management, engineering and R&D services and BPO. With an annual revenue of US$ 5.7 billion and with more than 100,000 employees, HCL leverages its extensive global offshore infrastructure and network of offices in 31 countries to provide holistic, multi-service delivery in key industry verticals including Financial Services.

What distinguishes our Global Insurance Practice from other providers of similar services is the breadth of our insurance offerings – providing relevant services to address multiple areas of need in the industry. Gartner has recognized HCL’s Insurance capabilities as “Mature” across all service lines – Consulting, IPs, SI, ADM, IT and BPO in Life, P&C (Non-Life) and Re-Insurance. Our Guidewire experience, since 2004, spans implementation experience across the Guidewire Product portfolio of InsuranceSuite, ClaimCenter, PolicyCenter and BillingCenter. Our capability extends across configuration, conversion, upgrade, testing, integration, reporting and support. The years of experience have helped us create robust frameworks, methodologies, specific accelerators, process flows and other artifacts that have proven to save time, effort and cost of Implementation. The Guidewire Center of Excellence (CoE) has a wealth of experience implementing Guidewire solutions across various Lines of Business in the P&C space. The dedicated Guidewire CoE, consists of Guidewire trained specialists experienced in doing business analysis, configuration, conversion/upgrade and testing. Visit them at hcltech/financial-services/insurance-services.

With 20 years of consulting experience, IKOR emphasizes core insurance solutions and supports the digital transformation requirements of German insurers. Besides software development and system implementation, IKOR adapts Guidewire InsuranceSuite for the emerging German market with regard to legislation and accounting rules. IKOR Finsure, a subsidiary, is the first German company focusing exclusively on Guidewire technologies. IKOR also provides consulting for software architecture and integration, including (micro)service architecture, platforms, and new business technologies such as InsurTech.

For more information, visit ikor. de.

InfoSyp is a consulting firm specializing in IT transformation and integration. Being at the forefront of technology, we are experts in identifying tools, resources, training, and solutions for a wide variety of strategic initiatives. Our extensive experience in transformation projects enables us to better assist IT and business organizations.

InfoSyp is incorporated in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with offices also in Florida and the Dominican Republic. Our strong presence in the Latin American region gives us access to world-class business partners that have the specific skills required to meet our clients’ needs. We are proud of the professional recognition that we’ve received for performance excellence and contributions, and we are committed to becoming a leading Guidewire integration partner for Latin America. infosyp.

Based in Dallas, Texas, ITS is an insurance consulting and services firm specializing in the design, implementation, and utilization of technology to optimize critical business processes and achieve exceptional results. With practices focused on property and casualty (P&C), life and health (L&H), data services, and training and development, ITS serves insurance organizations of all sizes across the country. The company provides implementation support (including project management, business analysis, testing, and data conversion), process improvements (including PMO establishment, quality assurance, and production support), and change management (including training, organizational change planning, and business process reengineering). ITS helps insurance organizations manage and reduce risk by deploying agile teams with exceptional insurance and technical expertise to streamline implementations, maximize testing efficiency (via a proprietary ITS automated testing platform), and boost the capabilities of existing IT staff. For more information, visit insurancetechnologyservices.

Jet Infosystems.

Jet Infosystems has been active in the information technology market since 1993. Our goal is to provide dependable IT based development to commercial entities and government institutions while enhancing the efficiency of their operations. Over the past two decades Jet Infosystems has developed broad expertise and become a full-profile systems integrator with a wide portfolio of solutions and services, including specialized solutions meeting industry-specific requirements. Today, due to the synergy between our various departments' expertise, efficient information and knowledge interchange within company and extensive network of regional offices, we are able to successfully implement large-scale projects even at the national level.

Jet’s Technical Department currently employs hundreds of top-notch professionals certified by the world’s leading hardware and software manufacturers. Our project teams provide extensive cooperation between various experts and subcontractors and interact with customers as a single unit. In order to ensure reliable maintenance and to enhance the quality of customer support, we implement active regional development strategy. Today, the company has six regional offices in Russia - Vladivostok, Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Nizhniy Novgorod, Novosibirsk, and St. Petersburg. In CIS we represented in Kazakhstan (Alma-Aty), Ukraine (Kiev), Azerbaijan (Baku). Jet Infosystems is duly licensed and certified for the entire range of its operations, including licenses from major Russian regulators such as the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, the Federal Security Service, the National Standards Agency, the Ministry of Defense, the Federal Energy Commission and more. Our quality management system has been certified according to the international ISO 9001:2000 standard since 2004 and the ISO 9001:2008 standard since 2009. jet. su.

JIEC, founded in 1985, has leveraged its core competences in infrastructure technologies to develop systems in various fields, like finance, airlines, travel, etc. Our Financial Systems Division covers general and life insurance, banks, securities and credit card companies. Building on the know-how and technical skills cultivated through the development of numerous information systems, JIEC is aiming at becoming the a partner for its customers, answering the customers’ needs in IT transformation while proactively proposing to leverage new technologies.

JIEC has a rich experience in developing systems for Claims, Policy Management and Billing, for 10 local Japanese P&C carriers. For four of these customers, JIEC has developed and evaluated ClaimCenter and PolicyCenter systems, and is active in system maintenance. JIEC is capable of covering the whole development cycle. providing infrastructure design, implementation, development, testing and deployment services. It can also leverage its core competences in infrastructure technologies to propose integration of Guidewire with other systems. jiec. co. jp.

SBI Technology.

For the past 20 years, SBI Technology has been a leader in providing consulting and solutions to insurance companies in Latin America, where it is a regional expert in business intelligence and analytics for the insurance market. SBI’s methodologies ensure quick and successful implementations, and its analytics technologies are world class. SBI is the first Guidewire partner in the region.

SBI provides Spanish-speaking senior consultants who have experience in all phases of Guidewire implementations, including project management, coaching, and consulting services for the strategic design of Guidewire projects. It offers services in insurance analytics, predictive analysis, planning and simulation, balanced scorecard projects, data warehousing, and software engineering, as well as resources to solve a wide range of issues that are not directly related to Guidewire technologies. In addition, SBI provides solutions expertise for IBM Cognos® and SPSS. SBI Technology looks forward to evolving as Guidewire’s first solutions and integration partner that is totally focused on the Latin American insurance market. sbi-technology.

Technoserv Consulting.

Technoserv Consulting brings together expertise in management consulting and implementation of business applications covering all levels of operation and management of modern enterprises.

In partnership with Guidewire Technoserv Consulting will offer insurance companies in Russia the Guidewire InsuranceSuite products. This software package includes all the processes in the area of property and liability insurance, signing and maintaining insurance contracts, billing, claims processing, and management of reinsurance. Technoserv Consulting has considerable experience working with insurance providers, among its customers - the company "ROSNO ", " Renaissance Insurance", "SOGAZ". Together with the introduction of products of conductors on the insurance market will demand expertise Technoserv Consulting regarding the implementation of complex CRM - systems which often work in conjunction with insurance solutions. tsconsulting. ru/en/

PartnerConnect | Solução.

Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution partners provide software, technology, and data solutions as well as insurance support services. Our solution partners help drive business value by developing and delivering additional integrations, extensions, and complementary solutions for Guidewire products.

For more information, or to learn about the Ready for Guidewire accelerator validation program, contact the PartnerConnect Solution team.

Hyland, creator of OnBase.

For more than 20 years, Hyland, creator of OnBase, has provided nearly 12,700 lifetime customers with real-world solutions to everyday business challenges. Dedication to our customers is why Hyland realizes double-digit growth year after year, and why 98 percent of our customer base continues to renew its annual maintenance. The OnBase enterprise content management (ECM) solution is one of the most flexible and comprehensive ECM products on the market. Tailored for departments and comprehensive for the enterprise, OnBase is designed to evolve with the long term needs of industries including Insurance, Financial Services, Higher Education, Healthcare, Government and Manufacturing. With strategic focus on the insurance industry, Hyland has successfully helped 450+ insurance companies by transforming processes that rely on documents, content and people. OnBase helps organizations run better, smarter and faster. With a sole focus on ECM that combines deep integrated content and process management functionality, OnBase includes features purpose-built and delivered by people with proven industry expertise.

With OnBase, Guidewire customers seamlessly integrate to a fully functioning ECM solution, while maintaining their presence in the Guidewire product suite. Users access secure, centralized content in OnBase from their core Guidewire application – where they are the most comfortable and productive. OnBase provides users accessibility to all related content, regardless of type, in a tabbed interface. For example, insurance users can organize data in the same way it appears in Guidewire – by incident, claimant, account, etc. When content is current and easily accessible, businesses improve decision-making while eliminating the need to search through other systems and physical files. By integrating with OnBase, Guidewire customers leverage combined document management, records management and business process automation in a single core solution to enhance customer service and gain a competitive advantage. onbase/insurance.

OpenText Exstream is a market-leading, multichannel customer communication management (CCM) solution, proven to improve the customer experience and make customer interactions more profitable. Designed for companies that thrive on strong customer relationships, OpenText Exstream empowers business users to transform the customer experience and make the most of every customer touch point by creating insightful, impactful, real-time customer communications. OpenText Exstream easily integrates with your core systems—claims, policy administration, billing—and streamlines business processes to reduce costs while helping you deliver a "one-in-a-million" customer experience. Don't just take our word for it; take a look at what the industry is saying: Forrester Research named us a leader in document output for customer communications (Q3 2011), and Madison Advisors ranked our multichannel delivery capabilities "among the best" (2011). Our customers have won 58 DALBAR awards for outstanding customer communications.

OpenText is committed to the Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution program and is pleased to offer accelerators for the entire Guidewire InsuranceSuite that provide seamless integration into our customer communication management software. This enables faster implementation and integration of these two market-leading technologies. We currently share more than 20 joint customers globally across Guidewire InsuranceSuite. OpenText Exstream's scalable and flexible architecture enables easy integration with InsuranceSuite and supports growth without additional investment. With more than 750 customers worldwide and more than 15 years in the market, OpenText Exstream is a proven and trusted insurance industry solution. engage. opentext/products/exstream.

Smart Communications.

Smart Communications provides software solutions that help insurance companies engage with their customers and partners through highly personalized and relevant interactions at every touchpoint. Recognized as leading the advancement of solutions for Customer Experience Management, Smart Communications reshapes the way companies conduct business with their customers and partners. Our solutions enable business users to manage all aspects of customer experience and enterprise engagement, providing real-time interactive management of communication, conversation, and collaboration. The result means businesses have more power to drive revenue, brand strength, and differentiation through superior customer experience as well as benefiting from significant efficiencies, cost savings, and enterprise-level control over regulatory compliance.

Since 2009, Smart Communications and Guidewire have worked together to develop accelerators for fast-to-deploy policy assembly, billing, and interactive claims correspondence integration. These accelerators have been successfully deployed at a large number of our mutual customers. The joint Smart Communications + Guidewire integrated solution has become the go-to platform for insurers who are modernizing policy, correspondence, and billing systems as they dramatically improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue outcomes. We serve our global customer base from offices located in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Visit smartcommunications to learn more.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions is a leader in providing essential information that helps customers across industries and government predict, assess and manage risk. Our insurance solutions assist insurers with automating and improving the performance of critical workflow processes to reduce expenses and improve customer experience. By tapping into the industry's largest collection of contributory databases, data prefill solutions advanced linking technology and analytics from LexisNexis, insurers gain deeper insight into their business and customers to position for ongoing growth and respond to changing market dynamics.

Through the Guidewire SolutionConnect partner program, LexisNexis, provides insurance information integration accelerators for the Guidewire platform that allow insurance carriers access to industry leading data and solutions such as C. L.U. E.® Auto, C. L.U. E.® Property, VIN Services, Motor Vehicle Records, and Police Records . This collaboration will provide insurers a comprehensive view of the customer across all lines of business, combined with modern technology that allows carriers to respond quickly and accurately with the actionable insights they need to assess risk, process claims and offer superior customer service. Visit lexisnexis/risk/.

Mitchell is uniquely positioned to simplify, enhance and accelerate claims handling processes across the P&C industry through deep workflow solutions that include unparalleled access to data, advanced analytics and decision support tools. Our expert workflow and adjusting solutions advance the claims management process by enabling automotive physical damage, bodily injury and workers' compensation clients to process claims more accurately, consistently, and cost-effectively.

Mitchell's solutions provide an expert level of decision support and connectivity within the claims organization and with industry partners to achieve optimal outcomes. Mitchell's comprehensive solution portfolio and robust SaaS infrastructure enables tens of millions of electronic transactions to be processed each month for over 300 insurance companies, including the majority of the top 25 insurance carriers, and over 30,000 collision repair facilities. With an expanding global footprint, Mitchell products are currently utilized in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Mitchell is headquartered in San Diego, California, and has 2,000 employees. For more information, please visit mitchell.


Perr&Knight provides insurance support services to many of the world's insurance companies, agencies, self-insured entities and allied insurance businesses. Our mission is to help our clients reduce their fixed costs while increasing the efficiency and value of their insurance operations. Our core capabilities span actuarial consulting, product development and pricing, insurance technology consulting, data management and reporting, licensing, state filings and other regulatory services. In addition, Perr&Knight maintains the world's largest database of state rate, rule and form filings and provides a variety of online tools and information resources that expedite competitor research and speed to market while ensuring regulatory compliance. Among the firm's 100+ professionals are credentialed actuaries, rating and forms experts, compliance professionals, market and business analysts, operations professionals and technology leaders. We maintain offices in Santa Monica, Irvine, Boca Raton, the New York Metro Area and Dallas/Ft. Worth.

Perr&Knight has entered into a SolutionConnect partnership with Guidewire Software with a focus on enhancing the value of our mutual client's investment in Guidewire's platform. Our alliance represents a unique marriage of Guidewire's core insurance technology with Perr&Knight's insurance expertise and specialized technology services. Our approach is to work strategically along with Guidewire, our mutual customers and their preferred systems integrators. We do this by providing resources and services that leverage our expertise in rating and forms development, configuration and maintenance; and comprehensive statistical and compliance reporting. Visit perrknight.

Athenium develops best-in-class quality assurance (QA) solutions that insurance companies use to accurately measure performance and promote quality improvement. Athenium’s claims and underwriting customers use team think, our comprehensive quality assurance suite, in over 45 countries. team think encompasses the entire QA review process, from file selection through reviews, reporting, and development planning. Our customers experience improved QA processes such as advanced measurements, in-depth analytics, and comprehensive reporting capabilities that support positive movement toward their performance goals.

Athenium has partnered with Guidewire to develop an accelerator that enables one-click access to team think from within ClaimCenter and PolicyCenter. Guidewire data can then be used for the selection and assignment of files for review and to make those reviews as efficient as possible. ClaimCenter and PolicyCenter activity lists can be updated to include review assignments and action items generated during reviews.

Our experienced industry experts, account managers, and software system engineers are fully committed to supporting the quality assurance goals of our customers. Visit athenium to learn more.

Copart is a global leader in online vehicle auctions and a premier destination for the resale and remarketing of vehicles. Copart’s innovative technology and online auction platform link buyers and sellers from 170 countries around the world. Operating in more than 200 locations across 12 countries, with over 125,000 vehicles up for auction every day, Copart sells over two million vehicles each year.

Copart has initiated development of an accelerator that will integrate with Guidewire ClaimCenter ® to seamlessly exchange information from insurance companies to Copart. This will aid in the speed and ease of sharing information. Learn more about Copart by visiting copart.

CoreLogic ® (NYSE: CLGX) is a leading property information, analytics, and solutions provider in the United States and Australia. The company’s combined data from public, contributory, and proprietary sources includes over 4.5 billion records spanning more than 50 years. CoreLogic serves the real estate, mortgage finance, insurance, capital markets, transportation, and government sectors. Headquartered in Irvine, California, the company helps clients identify and manage growth opportunities, improve performance, and mitigate risk.

We’ve taken the next step toward Making Property as Easy as Auto ® by building integration tools for RCT Express ® and Commercial Express ® that will be delivered in a Ready for Guidewire solution for expanded policy management integration. Built using best-known methods in the industry, these acceleration tools will help lessen integration concerns and limit the need for additional IT resources so that insurers can more easily Get the Whole Story ® on commercial and residential property. For more information, visit us at corelogic/insurancesolutions.

DocuSign®, The Global Standard for Digital Transaction Management®, helps more than 100,000 companies across nearly every industry and department achieve their digital transformations by putting an end to the paper chase. More than 50 million people in 188 countries turn to DocuSign to manage their most important transactions—digitally. DocuSign's Digital Transaction Management (DTM) platform supports legally compliant signature processes tailored to meet requirements globally with localization in 43 languages. Every day more than 50,000 new users join the DocuSign Global Trust Network to increase speed-to-results, reduce costs, enhance security and compliance, and delight clients with a secure digital experience.

DocuSign is proud and excited to partner with Guidewire to provide accelerator solutions to the insurance industry that keep the focus on the customer. With DocuSign, Guidewire customers can increase the ease with which policyholders sign up for new policies, maintain their accounts, and file claims by eliminating paper signatures. Guidewire customers can use the pre-built integration with PolicyCenter or build integrations to suit their needs using DocuSign’s industry-leading APIs. Join hundreds of insurance companies ― including 13 of the top 15 largest insurers ― and automate document flow through DocuSign. For more information, visit docusign.

EagleView is the unparalleled provider of aerial imagery, data analytics, property data, and GIS solutions for local and federal government agencies as well as the infrastructure, insurance, solar, and construction sectors. The patented Pictometry ® imagery solutions and comprehensive property data from EagleView answer questions related to millions of residential and commercial properties; these solutions save individuals time and money and reduce their exposure to risk. EagleView provides access to its orthogonal and oblique aerial imagery, 3D models, interior mapping solution, and measurement and analytical tools through proprietary software as well as integrations for assessment, GIS, public safety, and other industries.

Enterprise Holdings Inc.

The Enterprise Rent-A-Car brand is owned by Enterprise Holdings, the largest car rental company in the world, with nearly 1.9 million vehicles globally. Enterprise Rent-A-Car is an internationally recognized brand known for an extensive network of locations, affordable rates, and outstanding customer service. When severe weather and natural disasters strike, the Enterprise Rent-A-Car neighborhood network plays an integral role in mobilizing the local recovery efforts of insurance providers, emergency response organizations, and collision repair centers. The brand owes its success to listening to its customers and always looking for new ways to meet their needs.

One such innovation is Enterprise’s Automated Rental Management System (ARMS ® ). This patented e-commerce application helps Enterprise’s insurance, collision repair, and dealership partners manage their rental programs right from their desktops, efficiently and cost effectively. The Enterprise Management Accelerator between ARMS and Guidewire ClaimCenter ® helps facilitate the management of insurance replacement rentals.

FRISS | fraud, risk & compliance.

With 100% focus and dedication, FRISS provides fraud detection and risk mitigation to non-life insurance companies worldwide. FRISS business solutions for underwriting, claims, investigations, and compliance are ready-to-use and integrate seamlessly with policy and claims systems to detect real-time risk and fraud in all insurance processes. We deliver a reliable risk indication—the FRISS Score—to 120+ insurers worldwide, enabling insurers to make faster and better decisions on quotations, policies, and claims across all private and commercial lines. Included with the solutions is a large knowledge base with 500+ indicators, expert models and analytics, and out-of-the-box connections to over 100 external data sources. With our extensive implementation experience, projects go fully live within 6 months and deliver ROI within 12 months. FRISS believes in honest and fair insurance premiums for everyone.

Experience real-time risk and fraud detection by using FRISS solutions. friss. eu.

Hubio provides integrated solutions to help organizations in the insurance and automotive sectors improve customer engagement, control operating expenses, and enhance their overall ease of doing business. By supplying state-of-the-art UBI Connected Car telematics solutions, agent and broker connectivity, regulatory statistical reporting solutions, and Enterprise System Data Conversion, Hubio provides innovative interfaces with insurers, distribution partners, and consumers, all supported by platforms that collect, manage, and interpret insurance data and apply business logic.

In North America, Hubio is a Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution partner providing Guidewire InsuranceSuite accelerators that enable insurers to submit claims and policy experience data to third parties to meet regulatory, legal, and association obligations. The Hubio solution saves time, reduces administrative burdens and costs, and—most importantly—alleviates risk. Insurers gain comfort in knowing that their core regulatory filing obligations are prepared using a proven solution that updates as submission requirements change.

Hubio has customer service, professional services, and development offices in Toronto, Scottsdale, and the UK. Learn more at hubio/guidewire.

InsurPay, a division of Invenger Technologies Inc., provides a comprehensive payments platform that helps insurance companies replace checks for outbound payments. Our user-friendly workflows and patent-pending processes help carriers increase customer satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, and reduce cycle time. InsurPay’s growing choice of payment methods lets your customers decide how to receive payments, which in turn improves the adoption rate for electronic payments. With our state-of-the-art technology, adjusters can use the InsurPay solution on any device anywhere. Our breadth of functionality enables carriers to pay anyone—insureds, claimants, vendors, and lienholders—with one solution for either a single payee or multiple payees.

Guidewire customers can take advantage of our accelerator to seamlessly integrate a fully functioning payments solution within ClaimCenter. InsurPay’s singular focus on insurance helps carriers elevate customer experience, improve internal workflow efficiencies, and save costs. With a growing base of customers, including 3 of the top 15 national carriers, InsurPay is a proven and trusted insurance industry solution. Visit insurpay to learn more.

Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc.

Established in 1999, Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc. (IMS) is a leader in connected car technology that enables drivers to be safer, smarter, and greener. The unique IMS approach of converging in-car infotainment, automotive telematics, and wireless technology has resulted in an impressive range of solutions. From insurance and government to fleets and everyday drivers, the company’s technology is revolutionizing industries.

As insurance companies continue to harness the power of data analytics, IMS is working with Guidewire to ease the path to improved risk management and more accurate pricing. IMS provides a powerful, flexible platform to collect, manage, and analyze data from connected and wireless devices and technologies. Such a platform turns data into valuable, actionable business intelligence that insurers can use to more accurately identify risk and apply rates. For more information, visit intellimec.

IVANS Insurance Solutions.

IVANS Insurance Solutions, a division of Applied Systems, is the property and casualty insurance industry's partner and trusted technology leader for advanced insurer-agency-MGA information exchange. IVANS makes insurance business easier with secure information exchange, data translation, and managed connectivity solutions that deliver efficiency and better customer service capabilities to insurers, independent agencies, and MGAs. More property and casualty insurance companies rely on the IVANS platform than on any other company to create greater value from information exchanged in insurance business.

Through the Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution program, IVANS provides IVANS Download and IVANS Real-Time accelerators for Guidewire InsuranceSuite to enable insurers to significantly reduce the time to implement, test, and deploy IVANS Download and IVANS Real-Time solutions. This collaboration enables insurers to leverage industry-leading IVANS connectivity and data exchange solutions to increase automation and ease of doing business with agency partners, resulting in significant time and cost savings and improved client service. Visit ivansinsurance.

Loss Control 360.

Loss Control 360 is a web - and tablet-based inspection management system used domestically and globally by some of the world’s most respected home and commercial property and casualty insurers. Our typical clients are medium to large entities that require a custom-tailored implementation above and beyond what most off-the-shelf products offer.

Partnering with Guidewire enables us to integrate with PolicyCenter and ClaimCenter more efficiently, providing clients with a complete, end-to-end solution for loss control. Industry-leading features such as offline-capable tablet apps, a highly configurable user interface, robust integrations, and a custom-tailored deployment methodology set us apart from all other loss-control applications. Learn more at losscontrol360.

Octo Telematics.

Octo is a leading global provider of telematics and data analytics solutions for auto insurance. Founded in 2002, Octo invented the insurance telematics industry. Today, it is one of the largest and most experienced insurance telematics companies in the world, transforming auto insurance through behavioral, contextual, and driving analytics for insurance partners globally. The company has millions of connected users and one of the largest global databases of driving data, as well as analyses of hundreds of thousands of crashes and insurance events.

Octo provides a complete set of telematics solutions and value-added services that benefit auto insurers and policyholders alike. To further help insurers achieve their plans for growth and technological innovation, Octo extends the Guidewire Insurance Platform with a PolicyCenter accelerator, enabling companies to bring comprehensive telematics solutions to market quickly. In addition, Guidewire customers can use Octo’s ClaimCenter accelerator to quickly view events and data such as real-time FNOL alerts, accident reconstruction, and more to enhance customer service, loyalty, and retention. To learn more, visit octotelematics or, in North America, octousa.

The Polonious SIU Case Management System (PCMS) brings enhanced case tracking, automation, and reporting to insurance special investigation units (SIUs). PCMS improves productivity and operational effectiveness by maximizing resources and reducing time wasted on administration. The system includes standardized and customizable reports that prove the value and effectiveness of the investigative effort. The Polonious design minimizes implementation time and reduces dependency on IT departments.

Integration with Guidewire applications streamlines the referral process from an adjuster to the SIU for case referrals. Reasons for referrals are tracked along with investigation outcomes. As business rules dictate, adjusters can be kept up to date with the status of investigations. Case notes and documents can be transferred between systems, reducing administrative work. Business rules can also provide notifications to alert the appropriate team members when certain actions need to be taken on a case or claim. This results in improved productivity and reduced claim cycle times.

Prelude Software.

For over 27 years, Prelude Software's PayPilot® disbursement hub solution has given insurers rapid and robust outbound payment and ancillary processing capabilities to support all types of payments. PayPilot quickly and easily enables payment methods, including MICR check processing, ACH, cards, virtual cards, and related payment-processing functionality (such as reconciliation, positive pay, OFAC scanning, and escheatment). Prelude's solutions enable businesses to better manage all aspects of their enterprise-wide disbursement processes, providing real-time lifecycle management of all outbound payments. With this enterprise-wide hub, businesses have more control in driving efficiencies, best practices, and compliance, providing the flexibility to react to marketplace demands. Join the numerous Guidewire customers that already leverage PayPilot enterprise-wide accelerators to work across core systems to help meet outbound payment objectives.

Prelude Software proudly serves its domestic customer base from its headquarters outside of Boston, Massachusetts, and remote offices located throughout the United States. To learn more, visit PreludeSoftware.

Quadient (formerly GMC)

Quadient helps companies deliver meaningful interactions with current and future customers. A Neopost Digital Company, Quadient has developed a portfolio of technology that enables organizations to create better experiences for their customers through timely, optimized, contextual, highly individualized, and accurate communications for all channels. Our solutions bring together and activate the entire organization in the name of customer experience, through better collaboration and visibility into the customer journey. Quadient supports thousands of clients and partners worldwide in the financial services, insurance, and service provider industries in their quest to achieve customer experience excellence via mobile, digital, social media, and print technologies.

Risk Control Technologies.

With more than 80 insurers using its software, Risk Control Technologies (RCT) is the most widely used provider of end-to-end loss control software in North America. RCT’s experienced staff brings best practices and loss control expertise to the table, helping you maximize the impact of your loss control team. Because our software uses a product approach to loss control and leverages a highly flexible configuration suite, there are no longer risks or cost overruns during implementations. With regular enhancements driven by our customer community, RCT’s solution ensures the future-proofing of your investment.

By partnering with Guidewire, RCT gives our common clients a seamless experience between underwriting, claims, and loss control. Key modules include planning/managing the consultant’s book of business, offline tablet support, report and letter generation, recommendation management, data mining and reporting, and insured collaboration. To learn more, please visit riskcontroltech.

Safelite Solutions.

As an industry leader, Safelite Solutions provides comprehensive, end-to-end claims management solutions for more than 200 insurance and fleet clients, including 18 of the top 30 property and casualty insurance companies. From the First Notice of Loss contact to claim completion, reporting, and customer analytics, we are a trusted partner to our clients for glass, auto physical damage, property, digital solutions, and roadside assistance. This combination of innovation and commitment to enhancing the claims experience makes Safelite the preferred choice to support and grow our clients’ businesses.

Safelite Solutions, in partnership with the Guidewire PartnerConnect program, is pleased to offer Safelite Claims accelerators, which result in faster implementation and integration with Guidewire ClaimCenter. With Guidewire, we share more than 15 insurance partners across North America. Our scalable, flexible architecture enables easier integration and supports growth with minimal investment.

Symbility (TSX. V: SY) believes in creating world-class experiences that simplify business and improve lives. With a history of modernizing insurance claims solutions for the property and health industries, Symbility has established itself as a partner that puts security, efficiency, and customer experience first. Symbility PROPERTY™ brings smarter thinking to property insurance.

As part of the Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution program, Symbility is collaborating with Guidewire to change the complex world of property claims for the better. Through the use of an accelerator that enables bi-directional data exchange between Symbility Claims Connect ® and Guidewire ClaimCenter ® , we are establishing a more efficient and streamlined process throughout the claims lifecycle. From automating the claim submission-to-assignment process, to collecting updated claim data and completing the settlement, the accelerator will ensure that everyone on both sides of Claims Connect and ClaimCenter has the right data at the right time.

Uniban Canada.

Uniban Canada provides leading glass claims management solutions to P&C insurers and fleet management companies in Canada. With a focus on continual improvement and transparency, Uniban works closely with its partners and the industry as a whole to enhance best practices and overall client experiences. Uniban’s proprietary online-based, white-label platform facilitates self-service authorizations for glass service providers based on strict business rules, resulting in greater productivity and creating seamless customer experiences that go beyond the traditional call center model.

Uniban claims accelerators enable ease of integration, improve processing time, and enable insurers to internalize the management of exception cases with minimal training, ensuring that their own customer philosophy is maintained. The business intelligence that is gathered via the platform, combined with Uniban’s expertise, becomes a powerful base for enhanced proactive decision-making and performance management.

Validus-IVC Ltd.

Validus-IVC Ltd was established in May 2007 to provide claims management and analysis services to the UK motor insurance industry. Since then the business has evolved significantly, with our verify™ software technology now providing the platform through which a sizeable volume of third-party motor repair and hire claims are settled annually in the UK and overseas. This cloud-based portal solution helps to streamline the subrogated claims process through the application of rules-based workflow management and data analytics, which provide users on both sides with the visibility they need to support their respective claims management strategies.

From the outset, one simple philosophy has underpinned our success: to provide all our customers with a first-class service by being the best at what we do. Because we seamlessly integrate our product functionality within Guidewire ClaimCenter, we significantly strengthen our ability to achieve that vision by delivering end-to-end process efficiency. As a result, we provide users with the benefit of quicker and simpler implementation programs, which removes a significant amount of operational expense on behalf of our mutual customers. For more information, visit us at validus-ivc. co. uk.

Verisk Analytics.

Verisk Analytics is a leading data analytics provider serving customers in insurance, natural resources, healthcare, financial services, government, and risk management. Using advanced technologies to collect and analyze billions of records, Verisk draws on unique data assets and deep domain expertise to provide first-to-market innovations that are integrated into customer workflows. Headquartered in Jersey City, New Jersey, Verisk operates in 22 countries and is a member of Standard & Poor’s (S&P) 500 ® Index. Verisk is also part of the NASDAQ-100 Index. In 2015, Forbes ranked Verisk 18th on its World’s Most Innovative Companies list.

As a long-standing Guidewire partner, Verisk provides integration accelerators for the Guidewire platform that gives insurers fast, convenient, and cost-effective access to industry-leading data and solutions, such as XactAnalysis ® , ISO ClaimSearch ® , A-PLUS™ Property, A-PLUS™ Auto, and Coverage Verifier℠. For more information, visit verisk.

Vertafore delivers cloud-based software and services that transform the business of insurance. Our customer base is the largest in the industry, with more than 20,000 agencies and insurers leveragingsolutions that are built on today’s most advanced cloud, mobile, and information technology platforms. We offer the most complete portfolio to drive efficiencies and increase profitability—including agency management, rating and connectivity, content management and workflow, information solutions, and producer lifecycle management. Vertafore has more than 45 years of industry experience and is committed to connecting insurers to agencies while providing innovative ways to reduce friction across the entire distribution chain. Our products facilitated more than 81 million real-time transactions in 2014.

Vertafore is proud to partner with Guidewire to create accelerators that ease insurers’ implementation through TransactNOW. This powerful solution connects agencies with insurance companies’ databases to create more efficient communications, faster access to personal and commercial lines information, shorter transaction-processing times, and more responsive customer service. vertafore.

Work Loss Data Institute.

Work Loss Data Institute (WLDI) is “the evidence-based guideline company” and publisher of the ODG product line. ODG provides evidence-based decision support and database intelligence for managing medical treatment, disability duration, claim risk assessment, and reserving in workers’ compensation and AL/GL claims. Property and casualty insurers and third-party administrators use ODG to facilitate optimal claim, health, and return-to-work outcomes. The results are massive cost savings as a by-product of evidence-based medical management, interventional triage, and timely return to work, ensuring that on - and off-the-job injuries don’t become ruined lives. Established in 1995, ODG is now the most widely used workers’ compensation guideline in the world, including adoptions at the state, federal, and international levels.

An ODG accelerator is now available in ClaimCenter through the Guidewire PartnerConnect Solution program. This accelerator enables payers to automate the ODG toolkit to assess risk, automate referrals, forecast and benchmark time away from work, and provide evidence-based medical decision support from existing claim dashboards. For more information, visit worklossdata.

PartnerConnect | Afiliação.

Guidewire has relationships with various industry associations that benefit our customers.

ACORD (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) is a global, nonprofit organization serving the insurance industry. ACORD facilitates the development of open consensus data standards and standard forms, and works with its members and partner organizations to drive implementation of those standards. acord.

DARVA gathers together the various stakeholders of the French market for car, home and health insurance. DARVA offers services and innovative fully secure solutions to simplify communications between information systems of insurers and their partners: brokers, independent experts, repair shops, etc. DARVA and Guidewire have partnered to create the necessary interfaces for an optimal, integrated claims management process. darva.

The Insurance Accounting & Systems Association, Incorporated (IASA) is a non-profit, education association that strives to enhance the knowledge of insurance professionals, and participants from similar organizations closely allied with the insurance industry by facilitating the exchange of ideas and information. iasa.

ISO is a leading source of information about property/casualty insurance risk. For a broad spectrum of commercial and personal lines of insurance, ISO provides statistical, actuarial, underwriting, and claims information; policy language; information about specific locations; fraud-identification tools; and technical services. In the United States and around the world, ISO helps customers protect people, property, and financial assets. ISO is a member of the Verisk Analytics Family of Companies. iso.

PartnerConnect | A infraestrutura.

Infrastructure partners offer software and hardware technology infrastructure to our mutual customers.

Amazon Web Services.

Guidewire is a member of APN, the Amazon Web Services partner network. Guidewire works with AWS to host and integrate Guidewire solutions on the AWS platform. aws. amazon/

Guidewire is an optimized member of the IBM PartnerWorld Insurance Industry Network. Guidewire solutions support a wide range of IBM hardware and software platforms including System p and System x server families, the AIX operating system, Cognos Business Intelligence tools for reporting and WebSphere Application Server. ibm.

Guidewire has now enabled its ClaimCenter solution on the IBM PureApplication System. Optimization on IBM PureSystems empowers our joint customers to realize improved time to value with faster deployment, consolidated servers and application workloads achieve efficiencies in resource usage, improved performance, and reduced system management complexity.

Guidewire works with Microsoft to ensure that Guidewire's products are optimized with Microsoft solutions including SQL Server and geocoding offerings. microsoft.

Guidewire is a member of OPN, Oracle's partner network. Guidewire works with Oracle to ensure that Guidewire's products are optimized with Oracle's solutions including Java, WebLogic Server, and Oracle Database offerings. oracle.

Copyright© 2001-2018 Guidewire Software, Inc. Guidewire Software products and the business processes and methodologies in Guidewire Software products are protected under the following patents: US Patents 6,073,109; 6,058,413; 5,734,837; 5,630,069; 5,208,748; 7,885,831 and 7,788,296.

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